Vodacom confirms it has secured government's mobile and data communications contract for a period of four years. This is according to Vuyani Jarana, chief officer of Vodacom's enterprise business unit, in response to questions from ITWeb.
"The contract encompasses enterprise voice, data and all mobility services to assist in increasing government's accessibility and to help expedite its digitisation and automation initiatives," Jarana says.
He would not say how much the multi-year contract is worth to the telco. However, Bloomberg reports that it could be worth as much as R5 billion, and could supply mobile services to around 1.3 million government employees.
Jarana says the contract covers national and provincial departments and is also open to other state-owned enterprises and municipalities.
"Vodacom has consistently been amongst the top suppliers of mobile services to government. This award presents Vodacom with its biggest contract with government," he adds.
At the end of June, Vodacom had 35.1 million subscribers in SA and a total of 61.8 million across its group operations.