Cloud securityMay 24, 2024

Cloud security in the spotlight

Shared responsibility in cloud security emphasises that cloud service providers and customers both have roles in securing cloud environments, says Frank Kim, fellow and cloud security curriculum lead at SANS Institute.


Prof Basie von Solms among top global security experts

The University of Johannesburg professor is ranked fifth globally among cyber security researchers, by research info gateway ScholarGP.


SARB cracks cyber security whip on payments firms

The central bank issues a cyber security directive to payments providers in the face of new threats enabled by emerging technologies.


Reduce application security debt with AI, Veracode Fix

Application security debt has a compounding effect that can continuously increase the attack surface, resulting in greater risk and costly remediation, says Greg Harrowsmith, pre-sales at CA Southern Africa.

SoluGrowthMay 22, 2024

Navigating the transformative landscape: AI's impact on fintech

Fintech enterprises are increasingly turning to AI-driven solutions to fortify their defences, says Theko Makhoalibe, digital transformation leader at SoluGrowth.

Duxbury NetworkingMay 21, 2024

The importance of rapid response in SA's cyber security landscape

A comprehensive cyber security approach must extend beyond traditional defensive solutions and include a dynamic method to mitigate cyber threats, says Ross Anderson, business unit executive at Duxbury Networking.

NEC XONMay 21, 2024

NEC XON shares lessons learned from ransomware attacks

As adversaries become more sophisticated in their tactics, proactive defence measures and swift incident response is critical, says Divan de Nysschen, cybersecurity architect at NEC XON.


Endemik to be gold sponsor of ITWeb Security Summit 2024

Endemik’s product line comprises cyber security and data centre solutions made to fit the changing demands of today’s businesses.


ESET’s comprehensive services portfolio now available in SA

Early detection of threats, improved incident response and reduced risk of data breaches are among the benefits of these services, says Carey van Vlaanderen, CEO of ESET Southern Africa.


Ensuring food security in SA through enhanced cyber security for farmers

The increased use of general technology together with automated smart farming equipment means the digital threat level has increased for farmers, says Carey van Vlaanderen, CEO of ESET Southern Africa.


Advanced, persistent threats continue to define SA digital security landscape

Business cyber security needs will depend on how APT groups adjust their strategies in today’s threat landscape, says Carey van Vlaanderen, CEO of ESET Southern Africa.

AbsaMay 10, 2024

ITWeb TV: Absa sees 400% increase in attempted cyber attacks

Absa Group’s chief security officer Manoj Puri discusses the threat landscape the bank faces, including emerging threats, such as quantum computing.