The private equity fund manager completes a follow-on acquisition of MetroFibre Networx after ICASA approval.
The acquisition will strengthen Liquid’s B2B product segments, leveraging Telrad’s presence in 13 countries.
The companies have come together to demonstrate 5G SA operating in the 700MHz band along with the world’s first supplemental downlink band 1 400MHz with 30MHz bandwidth.
Concerted effort by the Presidency and National Treasury joint team sees progress in freeing spectrum, upping energy procurement and bolstering tech skills.
Staff found working from home held far more benefits than returning to the office, says the internet service provider.
Vodacom, MTN, Airtel, Globacom, Orange and Safaricom are the companies deciding to become full players in the video-streaming market.
The Northern Sky Research acquisition enables subsidiary Analysys Mason to advise clients on 5G and satellite.
Dr Steve Booysen hands over to Jan-Jan Bezuidenhout, current deputy CEO of MetroFibre.
Three remedies have been implemented so far, including a two-year, 30% asymmetrical interconnect rate reduction.
Urgent action needs to be taken against criminals that are delaying the country's digital transformation plan, says Matone Ditlhake, CEO of Corridor Africa Technologies.
At the end of May, Duxbury Networking is launching its Duxbury WiFi range of wireless access points and point-to-point bridges.