Satellite prices are down and speeds are up, making it a real contender, says Digital Council Africa’s Juanita Clark.
The companies received the award for their 5G Fully-Connected Factory project, which is said to be the largest 5G private network in the global steel industry.
The ZTE Light Campus solution offers significant reductions in equipment costs, cabling expenses and power consumption.
Digital Council Africa’s Juanita Clark delivers keynote at ITWeb Cloud and Data Centre Summit 2023.
National Treasury foresees medium-term communications sector benefits, amid anticipation of telecoms infrastructure rollout.
The communications ministry revises its target of connecting 1.9 million households, now aiming to connect 882 000 in phase two.
The ZXA10 C600E embraces openness by utilising the standard NetConf/YANG protocol.
Solutions were presented to accelerate FTTx evolution, innovate home services, advance transport modernisation and empower enterprise connectivity .
Bradley Bekker, Warren Thomas, and Tyrone Smith discuss the roles and responsibilities of fibre network operators and internet service providers.
The company presented its latest products and solutions while sharing insights on the digital transformation of the African continent.
The full utilisation of the sub-3Ghz spectrum will be the best way to enable 5G and narrow the huge demand gap in 4G, the company noted.