Business intelligence competencies specialise in delivering analytics and reports on the various business processes.
Values like integrity and honesty could help companies stand out from their competitors.
In the SME sector especially, skills retention is essential for success.
There are many options available that will reduce the recovery window.
The scourge becomes common as criminals master the Internet and take advantage of lax security prevalent in companies.
Combat communication overload by finding improved ways of using modern technologies.
Employees must be aware of the consequences of infringing on company security policies.
Companies are still working on achieving UC adoption, to extend contact centre functionality into the enterprise.
Co-ordinating the contact centre enhances customer service and return on investment.
Cloud computing is fast becoming the future of IT.
Many individuals who start up a business close it within a few years.
It is possible to monitor the activities of individuals, including off-site users linked to the network.
Government has some of the greatest data management needs in Africa.