The ability to send a short and relevant message directly to a targeted database of contacts is vital.
Companies should look to operate with less cost and higher efficiency always.
Companies should look to intelligent workload distribution to maximise their resources.
Software development must be approached using a process that elicits and prioritises the business requirements.
VOIP specification for regulating SIP devices is presenting a challenge in the industry.
Equipment can be set up to reduce operational costs.
A comprehensive self-service platform allows customers to research, manage, transact and interact online.
Capability sourcing is beneficial when it's done right, but sometimes, it goes wrong.
Confusion surrounds the role of network access control.
Changes and developments in the technology industry take place at breakneck speeds.
Companies accept and support the trend for virtualisation, but need to make sure their infrastructure is ready.
The open source community needs enterprise software vendors.
Vendors should measure their successes based on their customers' achievements.