Government must look towards professional, not community-based, open source.
De-duplication reaches 'plateau of high adoption'.
The same-old software can't deliver new opportunities.
Companies should ask some crucial questions before going ahead with the marketing solution.
Modelling an entity before creating it reduces risk and captures corporate knowledge.
This statement is often bandied about, but is totally untrue.
Call centres have become obsessed with customer satisfaction. Unfortunately, not all of them know how to measure it.
Companies spend too much and derive too little benefit from the solutions they buy.
Data backups are seen to be time-consuming and difficult.
A software as a service model allows systems to be customised to suit customer needs.
Online self-service begins by providing customers with the ability to conduct research about a company's services.
A number of criteria should be considered before embarking on outsourcing as an option.
Managing data centre energy costs calls for disparate departments to work together.