Some of tech and science’s biggest names will chair six new World Economic Forum councils on the fourth industrial revolution.
Modern enterprises must embrace digital transformation to accommodate asset and project management, new markets, visualisation of the entire value chain, and mobility apps, says Mohamed Cassoojee, Managing Director of IFS South Africa.
Students coding while being mentored by the experts
This year marks the sixth year of consecutive double-digit total company revenue and subscription revenue growth.
All the cyber security tools in the world would not make much difference if organisations do not have a clear view of what is happening with all aspects of their IT infrastructure, says AWS.
The latest technology innovations assist in the management of the delicate balance between environmental, economic and societal needs.
Thirteen teams are competing to win the secure IOT application challenge.
SqwidNet is operating Sigfox technology to improve crop yields, while ChipFox-SA is being used to track livestock and wild animals.
The real power of IOT is its ability to evolve with the rapid changes in technology and the changing needs of the organisations it serves, says Polymorph.
The report reveals the detection of new attacks on IOT devices, especially those leveraging zero-day vulnerabilities for specific devices. [Local rep: Private Protocol]
4IR is so powerful and visible because its features are defining the world, says One Channel.