Internet of things sensors in the mining industry can improve safety, ensure efficient loads, reduce operational delays and provide real-time data for accurate decision-making. body goes here
Developers and industry in Africa have the technology at their fingertips to develop African solutions to African problems, says Sudipto Moitra, GM: ICT at MTN SA Business.
New technologies such as IOT will become crucial in facilitating the granularity required to minimise waste while maximising output, says Phil Lewis, Infor VP Solution Consulting EMEA.
The company has partnered with Open Data Economy to deliver the ODE Infinity platform to major telecoms network operators, large organisations in financial services, healthcare and state-owned enterprises.
A smart contract contains the agreement itself as well as the code that will execute when certain pre-determined conditions are met, says Nico Coetzee, enterprise architect at Ovations.
In a world where two-thirds of the population live in cities, making these urban areas as smart as possible is vital for a better quality of life.
Even though it’s been billed as a pipe dream, president Cyril Ramaphosa says his vision of a South African city driven solely by smart technologies is becoming reality.
Sigfox partners with Google Cloud, to scale its cloud infrastructure and extend its Internet of things services portfolio.
Speaking at the virtual MTN Business IOT Developer Day, Professor Brian Armstrong said it's vital that manufacturers get started on their digital transformation journeys, to become cognitive enterprises.
The SANS Institute offers Web casts, white papers and other resources for cyber security professionals working in the healthcare sector.
Waterfall Management Company was also crowned winner of the Best International Mixed-Use Development 2020/2021 for Waterfall.