Considering the state of the nation, it is unlikely ICT will get any meaningful airtime in the State of the Nation Address.
If modernisation doesn't take the pain out of dealing with officialdom, then why did home affairs spend all that money?
If yesterday's outage triggered any moment of clarity, it's that our online lifeline might not be around forever.
Unless government comes clean about its e-toll shenanigans, it's unlikely the public will buy into the concept, no matter what the format.
There is a silver lining to the lower maths and science passes that will only shine through after many years.
Signs from 2014 are encouraging, showing SA is headed in the right direction to take advantage of increased connectivity.
BlackBerry Passport is one hell of a phone. But it has one hell of a problem: its mobile ecosystem.
A Facebook profile speaks louder than a thousand words; it's just that the words are often of the furthest-thing-from-the-truth variety.
If there is anything life has taught us, it's that not learning from history is a clear path to failure.
Encouraging more students to register for maths and science should be just as important as ensuring quality pass marks.
Faith Mathumbi's appointment of Jimmy Manyi as special advisor means we should brace ourselves for an onslaught of 'good news' from government.
The hard part is admitting you have a problem at all.