Post-conflict nations can punch far above their weight when it comes to innovation and digital advances.
About 50 million Facebook accounts may have been affected by a new security breach.
Comcast topped 21st Century Fox in a weekend auction for Sky, winning the British broadcaster with a $38.8 billion bid.
Complain about the lack of Jobs-era product design all you want; whatever Apple is doing is clearly working.
This is the company's second major acquisition as it deepens its push into semiconductors for self-driving cars.
Alibaba's co-founder and executive chairman intends to pursue philanthropic endeavours in education.
Data could be used to avoid the pitfalls online dating has been criticised for in the past, to provide a more honest assessment of a potential match.
The company buys Akonia Holographics, a six-year-old maker of displays for augmented reality glasses.
In every industry, organisations are facing changing ecosystems, invasive species and the destruction of existing habitats.
The company bought hardware engineering firm Mindtribe and smart embedded software company Pillar Technology.
CC Capital, Cannae Holdings and funds affiliated with Thomas H Lee Partners acquired the data and analytics company for $5.3 billion.
Digital is about to go more than skin deep with haptic technology.
ARM Holdings, Cisco, HP, Mimecast and Nutanix all made acquisitions during a busy week.