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  • With 1.2 million terabytes of data online, a little bit of trust goes a long way

With 1.2 million terabytes of data online, a little bit of trust goes a long way

Be it for research or legal or business support across all industries, gathering credible online information comes with a multitude of challenges. Too much information. Too little time. Fear of the ramifications of inaccurate search results. Since its inception almost 40 years ago, Sabinet has become the custodian of a treasure trove of valuable information dating back 112 years and this wealth of data is now accessible through Sabinet Discover – a single user interface with taxonomy and search technology that makes content discoverability quick and easy.

Sabinet MD, Rosalind Hattingh, comments: “We believe that facilitating access to credible and relevant information empowers individuals and communities, and for many organisations in South Africa, Africa and around the world, we have become a trusted go-to resource for the information they need. We constantly innovate and develop sophisticated information tools to deliver enhanced value to our users. Sabinet Discover is our next-generation research, news and legal resource platform able to search, enrich, manage and distribute content, all from a single location.”

Sabinet Discover amalgamates the richness of all Sabinet’s information services to provide a holistic overview of comprehensive South African legal, news and research content. These reliable cloud-based services are of great value to corporate, government and academic libraries and businesses in general.

This open platform has greatly improved the search and discovery of all Sabinet’s content for users and has increased the visibility of the wealth of information hosted by the company. Subscribers will automatically get access to content, while non-subscribers can access documents via various pay-as-you-go pricing models.

Sabinet constantly monitors new information as it is generated and updates sources rapidly and regularly.

With its streamlined search functionality, users are assured that they are accessing updated, reliable and relevant information while saving time and resources through:

  • An open platform: the ability for any visitor to browse authoritative content.
  • Enhanced usability: the platform is fully responsive, driving discoverability and easy use of content.
  • Subscribers will benefit from specialist linked legal, news and research content, that carries meaning and allows for the identification of relevant content applicable to specific areas of interest. Click here for the full benefits of subscribing to Sabinet’s information services.
  • Visualised linked content displays a holistic connection between a resource and its linked content for optimal insight into, and analysis of, various subject matters.


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Jeanine Liebenberg