
Wireless mode taps stealth potential

Kirsten Doyle
By Kirsten Doyle, ITWeb contributor.
Johannesburg, 09 Nov 2007

Wireless mode taps stealth potential

At Sandia National Laboratories, engineers are hoping their new ultra-covert type of wireless communications can save the lives of soldiers while letting generals and military officials track exactly where they are on a battlefield, says Jackson Tribune.

"Unlike other types of wireless communications, this is very hard to detect and very resistant to jamming," Cooley said. "You don`t get that with other types of wireless. One application for it is advanced force protection, where we can monitor each man going out in the field as well as their vital signs.

"If they get hurt, we`ll know exactly where they are and how they`re doing."

Defence minister goes racing

Paul Drayson, a member of the upper house of the UK Parliament, quit as an unpaid defence minister to take part in the American Le Mans sports-car racing series, says Bloomberg.

Drayson, responsible for buying military equipment, wrote to prime minister Gordon Brown, saying he is taking a "leave of absence`` after qualifying for the 24-hour race in 2008, in a British championship this year.

Drayson, who has a doctorate in robotics and was chief executive of PowderJect Pharmaceuticals until he sold the company in 2003 to Chiron, has been a minister since May 2005.

BAE wins contract

BAE Systems has won an $18 million contract from the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency to come up with more advanced surveillance technology for the Department of Defence, reports Biz Journals.

The company will develop technology to detect and track thousands of targets over an area covering many miles.

The technology is called the Autonomous Real-Time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance Imaging System.
