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White paper: Beyond predictive maintenance: The 'art of the possible' with IOT

Beyond predictive maintenance: The 'art of the possible' with IOT.
Beyond predictive maintenance: The 'art of the possible' with IOT.

The Internet of Things (IOT) has matured beyond the initial hype, making it a viable technology for organisations of all sizes and across a wide spectrum of industries.

* Major use cases have already entered the mainstream and organisations are pushing the envelope with why, how, and where to deploy IOT to: create new revenue streams.
* Make new business models possible.
* Enable synergy with other advanced technologies like AI, Blockchain, and advanced endpoints.

To take advantage of the full potential of IOT, start by gaining a clearer understanding of its business value and key components for a successful project.

Read this free commissioned report by Boston Consulting Group (BCG) to get guidance and explore real-world examples to help you solve your business challenges using IOT.

Download the white paper.
