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Voice-based artificial intelligence for SA

Consumers can now chat and talk with artificial intelligence-based solutions at customer contact centres in South Africa.

Pangea Communication has newly included Voicebots in its portfolio – telephone voice assistants, which, thanks to artificial intelligence, are able to conduct a fluent conversation with a person. Contact centres are increasingly replacing voice dialling (IVR) and helping clients with routine requests. The solution vendor is Vocalls from central Europe.

The founders, Artem Markevich (CEO) and Martin Čermák (CTO), are behind Vocalls. For five years, they have been developing a platform for automated voice and text communication together with their team in the Czech Republic. Voicebots or chatbots from Vocalls are already used by many clients, for example, one of the largest Czech banks, ČSOB, which belongs to the Belgian KBC Group. Voicebots have fully replaced the IVR system there. In addition to the banking sector, virtual operators with AI are also used in assistance services (eg, Europ Assistance, Mondial Assistance), where they help drivers with assistance in case of any problem.

There are many advantages of AI-based agents on the line. The robot picks up the phone immediately and answers, so the customer doesn't have to wait minutes for the operator to connect. At the same time, the platform is able to handle hundreds of parallel speakers at once, resolving sudden capacity outages and reducing the call centre burden. Voicebots solve routine issues with clients, saving their time and giving operators capacity to deal with more complex requests. It is available at any time and even the thousandth call will be handled as professionally as the first one. The set-up and configuration are Web-based, and the system can be operational within a few hours.

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