
Utilising ICT for HIV, AIDS, TB education

By Learnscapes
Johannesburg, 18 May 2005

The spread of HIV, AIDS and TB is the main threat to development in Africa and it is an increasing threat through the rest of the world. Furthermore, the scale of the epidemic threatens to undo all other development advancement.

"Considering the technology boom and the HIV boom existing at the same time, we need to extend the uses of ICT to assist us in educating our people," said Leon van der Merwe, Managing Director of LearnScapes.

Therefore, logical action would be to utilise ICT to deliver crucial and life-saving information about HIV, AIDS, TB, sexually transmitted infections, nutrition and malaria to people.

Delivering this information through the use of ICT will also encourage a spirit of participation on the part of the people involved on how to use ICT more actively in future disease prevention and health management.

In response to this crisis, LearnScapes developed a range of applicable courses for delivery by ICT. These courses include topics like HIV, AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis, diarrhoea, nutrition, opportunistic infections, malaria, cholera and general hygiene.

This training can be effectively applied in schools, private companies, government departments, community centres, health clinics and any other place that would be suitable.

Organisations that have a suitable ICT infrastructure and the related applications to receive the full benefit of these learning programmes can also make this information available to surrounding communities in an outreach and development programme.

LearnScapes also partnered with CompuTainer to provide affordable interactive touch-screen training kiosks to those organisations that do not have adequate ICT infrastructure. These training kiosks can be utilised to deliver equivalent training in areas with very limited resource and infrastructure.

By utilising ICT for education and training in areas where these skills and expertise are limited, we can enhance the overall social and economic well-being of people.


Editorial contacts

Leon van der Merwe
(011) 475 4777