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Unlocking business efficiency with smart wireless solutions

Thought leadership by Teresa Huysamen, Wireless Business Unit Manager at Duxbury Networking

Johannesburg, 12 Sep 2024
Teresa Huysamen, Wireless Business Unit Manager at Duxbury Networking.
Teresa Huysamen, Wireless Business Unit Manager at Duxbury Networking.

Today's organisations face an increasingly complex network environment, demanding reliable, high-bandwidth connectivity to support hybrid work and other business needs. Advanced fixed wireless broadband solutions, such as those offered by Cambium and distributed by Duxbury, provide a versatile option to address these challenges.

Overcoming connectivity hurdles

One of the biggest challenges in wireless connectivity is ensuring reliable access in high-interference environments like remote mining sites, dense industrial zones or sprawling office parks, or even a home where signal strength is a concern. Additionally, the sheer number of devices competing for bandwidth can strain network performance. Traditional networks often struggle to maintain service quality and reliability under such conditions.

The Cambium ePMP 4500 series directly addresses this issue. By leveraging advanced technologies like MU-MIMO and 802.11ax-based OFDMA, businesses can increase their network capacity without sacrificing performance. Even in high-interference environments, the Cambium solution can handle more subscribers per sector with high throughput and minimal latency.

Of course, network challenges go beyond pure performance. For example, service providers must deliver high-quality services across a limited spectrum. For them, maximising spectral efficiency while delivering high-speed broadband is crucial. Cambium’s 4500 and 4525 subscriber modules have empowered service providers to gain higher data rates over smaller channels. In practice, this means those operating in sectors like education, healthcare and manufacturing can maintain uninterrupted connectivity.

Never underestimate network management

Beyond network performance and capacity, IT departments must not neglect effective network management. The more complex and expansive a network becomes, the greater the need for centralised control and visibility. Cambium’s cnMaestro management platform plays a key role in this regard.

Those organisations that have adopted cnMaestro have seen significant improvements in their ability to scale without the typical headaches associated with larger networks. They have complete visibility to ensure they can monitor network performance in real-time, troubleshoot and even conduct zero-touch provisioning across wired and wireless solutions.

This ensures IT departments can more effectively manage thousands of devices with minimal overhead. The cnMaestro platform can also integrate with other Cambium solutions, such as the ePMP series, to provide companies with the means to optimise their networks while keeping operational costs low. It also provides scalability and security in ways that most traditional management platforms simply cannot match. It can be deployed in the cloud or on-premises, so companies can choose the approach that best suits their needs.

Smarter solutions for smarter businesses

As technology advances and the demand for bandwidth intensifies, connectivity challenges will only grow. Cambium's wireless solutions, including the ePMP 4500 series and cnMaestro, offer a cost-effective way to address these challenges.

From mining companies operating in remote regions to businesses managing dense networks, transforming the network environment through robust wireless access is essential for competitiveness. Duxbury Networking, as a distributor of Cambium solutions, empowers organisations to manage their networks more effectively and unlock new levels of business efficiency.

As wireless technologies advance, businesses have unprecedented opportunities to rethink and optimise their connectivity strategies.


Editorial contacts

Karien Wood
Duxbury Networking
(+27) 011 351 9800