School learners in grades seven to 12 can now access a virtual career planning coach via mobile app Tshedza.
TshedzaApp is a free career planning platform offering information on various career options, such as mechanical engineering, graphic design, psychology, nature conservation, and accounting. It also supplies information on the institutions that offer the specific career options, and enables learners to determine if they qualify to attend a particular university.
According to the Tshedza team, the app, which is currently only available on Android devices, also equips learners with study opportunities, bursaries and sponsorships.
Mbavhalelo Mabogo, co-founder and CEO of Tshedza, says the app addresses the issue of career planning at an early stage.
"We were motivated by the need that we identified for high school learners to have access to a career counselling platform that offered a more comprehensive database of career options in one place that is easy to access, even for the ones who live in the most remote areas."
Mabogo notes the app is not only targeted at high school learners but also those individuals who might be considering a career change at undergraduate level.
There are 100 titles available on the app but these will keep changing as the database expands, says Mabogo.
"We plan on releasing a few modules over the next couple of months to extend our user experience and enhance the app functionality."
According to Mabogo, since the official introduction of the TshedzaApp last month, there has been over a 100 downloads.