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Top ICT tenders: SITA ramps up tender activity

Kimberly Guest
By Kimberly Guest, ITWeb contributor
Johannesburg, 20 Feb 2024
SITA’s tender activity has increased, with three adverts last week and a further five notices this week.
SITA’s tender activity has increased, with three adverts last week and a further five notices this week.

Municipalities lead the charge this week on National Treasury’s eTender Portal, as national and provincial government departments wait to hear what finance minister Enoch Godongwana has to say in his 2024 Budget Speech.

The week is saved by the State IT Agency (SITA), however, as it steps up its tender activity. The beleaguered entity had a troubled 2023 with yet another CEO quitting after only eight months on the job.

Communications minister Mondli Gungubele also fired the agency’s board chairperson and several other directors, and installed an interim board of directors on 21 July. This decision was, however, overturned earlier this year, as the Pretoria High Court reinstated the sacked directors and suspended the interim board. The Department of Communications said it intended to appeal the court’s ruling.

Meanwhile, the interim board appointed Simphiwe Dzengwa as new acting managing director, effective 1 February.

Since then, Dzengwa has revealed that a ministerial task team has determined the skills and systems within SITA’s procurement ambit to be wanting, resulting in prolonged delays and backlogs.

Presenting the findings to Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Communications and Digital Technologies, Dzengwa noted the task team had observed a few challenges; namely, the turnaround times in the supply chain space at SITA are extremely slow and long, and capacity, both in terms of skills and human resources within the procurement space, is “rather wanting”.

SITA’s tender activity has increased recently, with three advertisements placed last week and a further five notices this week. It remains to be seen whether this increased activity is a result of interventions in the procurement processes and is sustainable.

Tenders that make this week’s top 10 include:

  • SITA invites bids for hardware maintenance and support for the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs. The agency notes some of the provincial department’s hardware is out of warranty and requires critical maintenance and support.
  • The agency is also advertising for the procurement, maintenance and support of routers and network switches for the Department of Home Affairs. SITA notes the department has modernised its offices, and live capture systems have been implemented in more than 200 offices and banks. There are also 72 Ports of Entry planned for the rollout of BMCS in the 2023/24 financial year, which will require switches and routers. The department’s existing offices nationally require support and maintenance of these devices.

  • SITA wishes to lease an integrated fleet management solution (IFMS) for the Eastern Cape Government. This system is expected to record and report fleet life cycle information from ordering to disposal. The contract will include implementation, customisation, maintenance and technical support.

  • The Department of Home Affairs requires a fully-integrated solution for an interactive Advance Passenger Information (iAPI) System with Passenger Name Record (PNR) by a single service provider. SITA notes this solution must enable pre-departure risk assessment and identity management to ensure travel by known high-risk individuals is identified and prevented before they start their journey, and as yet unknown persons of interest are flagged through their behaviour based on customised business rules and profiles.

  • SITA is calling for the supply of Cisco Network technology refresh for the Government Pension Administration Agency (GPAA), including professional services to configure the supplied network security components. The agency notes some of the GPAA’s network equipment reached end of support/life in 2014 and if these components fail it will cause connectivity issues for the GPAA and Government Employees Pension Fund.

  • The Electoral Commission is continuing its election readiness preparations and requires an audit of its results system. The IEC notes it has commenced with a project to enhance the results system, incorporating a legislative amendment and a number of business requirements. As a result, it requires an external audit of the functionality and data integrity of the results system.

  • The Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs is looking for a service provider to institutionalise business continuity management in the Department of Traditional Affairs, conduct business impact analysis, facilitate the development of business continuity management plans and business continuity management policy and business continuity management strategy. The contract includes the transfer of skills on the methodology used in executing the services.

  • The Department of Traditional Affairs (DTA) also wishes to appoint a service provider for risk and compliance management systems, with a maintenance and support agreement. The desired provider will be suitably qualified, experienced and specialised in automated, integrated risk and compliance management software solutions.

  • Sentech intends to appoint a panel of service providers for the supply, delivery, installation and support of WiFi and solar-powered WiFi solutions. These solutions will enable it to meet customer and mandated requirements and enable end-users to access internet in their homes and mobile devices. The proposed solution will also cater for independent solar-powered deployment in remote areas without adequate power.

  • Sentech also wishes to appoint one or more 5G original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) or consortia/joint ventures/partnerships comprising of at least one 5G OEM on a framework agreement for the design, planning, training, supplying and implementation of 5G end-to-end solutions for consumer, business and industrial markets. Sentech intends to establish framework agreements with suitable entities over a period of five years and successful service providers will work on a quotation basis on an ‘as and when required’ basis.

New tenders

State Information Technology Agency

Bids are invited for hardware maintenance and support for a three-year period for the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs.

Non-compulsory briefing: 23 February – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: RFB 2850-2023
Information: Andisiwe Kunaka, Tel: 012 482 3293, E-mail:
Closing date: 13 March 2024

­Tags: Hardware, services, support and maintenance

Procurement, maintenance and support of routers and network switches is also required for the Department of Home Affairs for a period of 60 months.

Compulsory briefing: 22 February – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: RFB 2853-2023
Information: Lungile Sibiya, Tel: 012 482 2006, E-mail:
Closing date: 11 March 2024

­Tags: Hardware, services, support and maintenance, networking, routers, network switches

The agency is also advertising for the provision of leasing an IFMS to SITA, including implementation, customisation, maintenance and technical support for the Eastern Cape Government for a period of five years.

Compulsory briefing: 21 February – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: RFP 2849-2023
Information: Athini Ndungane, Tel: 021 442 8531, E-mail:
Closing date: 11 March 2024

­Tags: Software, fleet management, integrated fleet management solution, IFMS, software development, services, support and maintenance

An iAPI system with PNR is sought for a period of eight years.

Compulsory briefing: 23 February – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: RFP 2852-2023
Information: Muditambi Gangazhe, Tel: 012 482 3235, E-mail:
Closing date: 15 March 2024

­Tags: Software, interactive advance passenger information, passenger name record, iAPI, PNR

The Government Pension Administration Agency requires supply of a Cisco Network technology refresh, including professional services to configure the supplied network security components for a 36-month period.

Tender no: RFB 2851-2023
Information: Lungile Sibiya, Tel: 012 482 6000, E-mail:
Closing date: 8 March 2024

­Tags: Hardware, software, networking, services, professional services, network security

Electoral Commission

The IEC is calling for an audit of its results system.

Non-compulsory briefing: 27 February
Note: All service providers that wish to render goods/services to the Electoral Commission must self-register on the National Treasury Central Suppliers Database at
Tender no: IEC/ICT-01/2024
Information: Melanie du Plessis, Tel:012 622 5700, E-mail:
Closing date: 8 March 2024

­Tags: Software, services, professional services, audit

Department of Corporative Governance and Traditional Affairs

A service provider is sought to institutionalise business continuity management in the department, conduct business impact analysis, facilitate the development of business continuity management plans and business continuity management policy and business continuity management strategy for the DTA.

Tender no: DTA/ODG/BCM/02/2023/24
Information: Gladman Ndlovu, Tel:012 334 0652, E-mail:
Closing date: 8 March 2024

­Tags: Business continuity, security, risk management, services, professional services

The DTA also wishes to appoint a service provider for risk and compliance management systems with a maintenance and support agreement.

Tender no: DTA/ODG/RCM/01/2023/24
Information: Gladman Ndlovu, Tel:012 334 0652, E-mail:
Closing date: 8 March 2024

­Tags: Software, security, risk management, compliance management, services, support and maintenance


The company wishes to appoint a panel of service providers for the supply, delivery, installation and support of WiFi and solar-powered WiFi solutions for three years.

Non-compulsory briefing: 22 February – Microsoft Teams
Note: Bidders can register and submit their proposal on the Sentech e-Tender Portal:
Tender no: SENT/063/2023-24
Information: Norman or Amukelani, Tel: 011 471 4443, E-mail:
Closing date: 19 March 2024

­Tags: Telecommunications, hardware, networking, WiFi, solar-powered WiFi, services, support and maintenance

5G OEMs are sought for a full turnkey solution comprising design, planning, training, supply, optimisation and implementation of 5G end-to-end solutions, including software and hardware equipment, for a period of five years.

Non-compulsory briefing: 20 February – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: SENT-60-2023-24
Information: Norman, Amukelani or Nosipho, Tel: 011 471 4590, E-mail:
Closing date: 12 March 2024

­Tags: Telecommunications, hardware, software, software development, hardware development, 5G, services, support and maintenance
