National Treasury’s Cities Support Programme (CSP) steps into the eTender Portal spotlight, as the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) advertises for a professional service provider to deliver system support to the programme management function.
The CSP aims to assist metropolitan municipalities to improve their spatial planning, infrastructure planning, built environment management and economic development.
“Despite the progress metropolitan municipalities have made in expanding access to basic services, they continue to face significant developmental challenges. These challenges are visible in inequitable environments that exclude the poor from social and economic participation. In addition, apartheid patterns of spatial segregation persist, with many of the poor located far from social and economic opportunities,” says the DBSA.
The CSP has therefore been designed to respond to the implementation support needs of metropolitan municipalities in the critical areas associated with the built environment; namely fiscal and governance, human settlements management, public transport, climate resilience and economic development, it adds.
Now entering its third phase, the CSP requires dedicated support for its systems development, maintenance and knowledge product generation and management, in order to strengthen programme management functions and organisational arrangements.
“This critical function will support the CSP PMIU with reporting needs, the monitoring and tracking of deliverables, financial and other related management reports, manage the website content and layout, and oversee all data and information system-related engagements which the CSP might have. As such, the function will have an operational component, as well as a project oversight and management component,” the DBSA explains.
In addition to maintaining the current systems and Microsoft applications developed during the CSP’s second phase and enhancing additional developments to support the functioning of the programme, the successful service provider will be charged with the maintenance and integration of the CSP website into the broader National Treasury website. This is seen as a core focus for the third phase and will also form the base portal for the knowledge product development.
Other tenders that make this week’s top 10:
- The South African National Accreditation System opens the issue with a request for the supply, support and maintenance of ManageEngine applications. This is required to assist in the managing of servers, laptops, desktops and smartphones/tablets of Android/iOS/Windows from a central location.
- The South African Revenue Service (SARS) is looking to procure a geographical information system, including maintenance and support services, from a single, accountable service provider. SARS notes it has successfully built GIS reporting and geocoding solutions, delivered various GIS analytical initiatives and established various business orientations required by these deliverables. It is now its intension to maintain these capabilities by continuing the sourcing of updated GIS datasets, as well as the associated geocoding software.
- The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CMMA) is inviting proposals for the provisioning of a contact centre solution. It notes it currently uses Microsoft Teams Call Queue to route inbound calls to respective agents across the country; however, this system lacks a number of functionalities to constitute a fully-fledged contact centre solution, such as call recording, budgeting, real-time supervision and reporting.
- The CCMA is also re-advertising for Oracle technical support renewal. Its case management system, which automates most of the processes, stores its data in an Oracle relational database management system to secure the databases and other critical components of the ICT infrastructure. The CCMA notes it has also invested in the Audit Vault and Database Firewall appliances.
- In its last tender advertisement for the week, the CCMA is looking for cloud-based disaster recovery for Oracle workloads. It notes its core case management system uses the Oracle Database Management system running on an on-premises Oracle Database Appliance hosted at the MTN Gallo Manor co-location data centre (primary site). To ensure business continuity in the event of a disaster, there is a need for a solution that provides data protection and enables quick switchover to a standby system with minimal loss of data and productivity, it says.
- The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) requires an ITIL-compliant IT service management solution to support its technology division staff members in the effective delivery of technical support services. The proposed solution will include implementation, training, maintenance, customisation and ongoing support services. It notes it has been using Halo ITSM for the past three years.
- Limpopo’s Department of Agriculture and Rural Development is inviting service providers accredited through SITA contract RFB 740 to bid for the supply, delivery and offloading of 70 laptops, 50 cables of various connection types, 26 27-inch monitors, two projectors and five voice recorders.
- Eskom returns this week with a request for job evaluation software. Earmarked for Eskom Rotek Industries, the software is required to allow for the grading of positions in various departments. The key requirements include objectivity, defensibility, validity, reliability and consistency.
- The SABC closes the issue with a request for information on software asset management. The entity notes it has a centralised software assets inventory; however, it has not been adequately implemented and maintained. When the SABC was audited, auditors could not obtain assurance from IT security on the completeness of the software assets in the environment, as the software assets inventory provided was incomplete.
New tenders
South African National Accreditation System
|SANAS wishes to appoint a service provider for the supply, support and maintenance of ManageEngine applications for 36 months.
Tender no: SANAS/ITTOOLS AND HELPDESK /2024-25/05
Information: Zanele Ngwenya, Tel: 012 740 8535, E-mail: zanelen@sanas.co.za
Closing date: 3 September 2024
Tags: Software, IT management, services, support and maintenance
South African Revenue Service
SARS is looking to procure a geographical information system, including maintenance and support services.
Non-compulsory briefing: 20 August, Microsoft Teams, Meeting ID: 313 650 758 664 Passcode: NHPX3q
Tender no: RFP 10/2024
Information: Tender Office, Tel: 012 422 4078, E-mail: tenderoffice@sars.gov.za
Closing date: 5 September 2024
Tags: Software, geographical information system, services, support and maintenance
Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration
Proposals are invited for the provisioning of a contact centre solution for three years.
Non-compulsory site visit: 15 August, Microsoft Teams
Tender no: CCMA/2024/09- ICT
Information: Khumbuzile Ndevu, Tel: 011 377 6636, E-mail: Tenderenqueries@ccma.org.za
Closing date: 30 August 2024
Tags: Software, contact centre, call centre
The CCMA is also re-advertising for Oracle technical support renewal for two years.
Non-compulsory site visit: 16 August, Microsoft Teams
Tender no: CCMA/2024/08(A)– ICT
Information: Vincent Mukwevho, Tel: 011 377 6998, E-mail: Tenderenqueries@ccma.org.za
Closing date: 30 August 2024
Tags: Software, services, support and maintenance
Provisioning of cloud-based disaster recovery for Oracle workloads is also sought for three years.
Non-compulsory site visit: 16 August, Microsoft Teams
Tender no: CCMA/2024/07– ICT
Information: Thabang Kgagane, Tel: 011 377 6916, E-mail: Tenderenqueries@ccma.org.za
Closing date: 30 August 2024
Tags: Software, cloud computing, disaster recovery, services
South African Broadcasting Corporation
The SABC requires IT service management, including hosting, support, maintenance and licences.
Tender no: RFP/IT/2024/10244900/24
Information: Hlabane Mamogobo, Tel: 011 714 4644, E-mail: tenderqueries@sabc.co.za
Closing date: 6 September 2024
Tags: Software, IT service management, ITSM, hosting, services, support and maintenance, software licensing
Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Limpopo
Service providers accredited through SITA contract RFB 740 are invited to bid for the supply, delivery and offloading of laptops, monitors, projectors and voice recorders.
Tender no: ACDP 24/09
Information: MM Maphangwa, Tel: 060 531 0665, E-mail: maphangwamm@agric.limpopo.gov.za
Closing date: 2 September 2024
Tags: Hardware, computing, mobility, monitors, projectors, voice recorders
Development Bank of Southern Africa
A professional service provider is sought to support the implementation of the Cities Support Programme phase three through the provision of system support to the programme management function.
Compulsory briefing: 13 August – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: RFP109/2024
Information: Katlego Leshokgoto, Tel: 011 313 3527, E-mail: katlegoscm@dbsa.org
Closing date: 29 August 2024
Tags: Services, professional services, support and maintenance
The utility is calling for job evaluation software for three years.
Non-compulsory briefing: 13 August – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: ERI/2024/TACT/06
Information: Harold Jooste, Tel: 011 629 3036, E-mail: joostehf@eskom.co.za
Closing date: 4 September 2024
Tags: Software, job evaluation
Request for information
South African Broadcasting Corporation
The SABC requires information on software asset management.
Tender no: RFI/IT/2024/1
Information: Nombulelo, Tel: 011 714 4644, E-mail: tenderqueries@sabc.co.za
Closing date: 23 August 2024
Tags: Software, software asset management