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  • Top ICT tenders: National Treasury bolsters data analytics intent

Top ICT tenders: National Treasury bolsters data analytics intent

Kimberly Guest
By Kimberly Guest, ITWeb contributor
Johannesburg, 03 Mar 2025
National Treasury is looking for a panel of consultants with diverse IT skills to support the office of the director-general.
National Treasury is looking for a panel of consultants with diverse IT skills to support the office of the director-general.

It’s another subdued week on National Treasury’s eTender Portal as the public sector waits to see what budget allocations the Government of National Unity will eventually agree to.

While the fractious negotiations among the leaders of various political parties continues, little in the way of meaningful tenders are being advertised, with small, quick-win requirements getting preference.

Perhaps it is for this reason that National Treasury takes top spot in this week’s top tenders with its request for a panel of consultants to support the office of the director-general. However, this invitation should not be overlooked due to its seemingly low value, as it provides insight into the department’s approach to data analytics.

The department’s tender documentation reveals it has set up a new role, that of chief data analytics officer (CDAO), responsible for, among others: building data analytics capability through training, peer learning and other interventions; establishing appropriate data governance protocols and frameworks and assessing the data maturity of the department; co-ordinating data-driven policy data analytics and research analysis, including data process automation; and expanding the National Treasury Secure Data Facility into a world-class administrative data lab.

However, because this is a new role within the department, National Treasury admits that many of the CDAO’s projects require specialised skills which will need to be sourced through a panel of consultants that provide professional services on specific projects.

It has decided that a panel is its best option as the areas of specialisation are diverse, ranging from data science and analytics, to legal and specialist IT support; the support required may evolve as the projects come online, allowing the CDAO to ramp up or reduce the time needed with each specialist; and the CDAO will need flexibility to bring in specialists at short notice, given tight timeframes for delivering major outputs.

National Treasury has split the areas of expertise into two categories. The first it calls data and technical analysis, where consultants will need to demonstrate expert knowledge in any of the areas of data and software engineering; data management, governance and security; data science, advanced applications and automation; and administrative data and research.

Its second category focuses on finding suitably qualified consultants in any of the areas of data analytics training services, legal services and specialist ICT support.

The period of appointment will not exceed three years from the date of appointment. Interested parties have until 25 March to submit their proposals.

Other tenders that make this week’s top 10:

  • The City of Cape Town wishes to procure artificial intelligence and data services. These are separated into three categories: access to application programming interfaces (APIs) and platforms from various AI vendors and services; access to APIs and platforms from various data vendors and services; and development of bespoke AI products that follow an open-source development methodology.
  • The State Information Technology Agency (SITA) is looking for a suitable service provider to supply and install, maintain and support a hyperconverged infrastructure solution for its three data centres at its head office, Indlela and SITA Centurion. The solution is sought for the Department of Higher Education and Training, which currently has outdated and near end-of-life server architecture. The department is looking to replace this with converged infrastructure to address IT constraints and modernise its infrastructure.

  • The agency is also requesting proposals for the customisation of its existing Oracle ERP modules, I Supplier, Sourcing and Contract Management. SITA explains it has successfully upgraded the Oracle ERP (v12.2.10). However, the listed capabilities are not being fully utilised to realise the full benefits of the ERP investment.

  • Finally, SITA is also looking for an endpoint backup system, including licences, maintenance and support. The request is headed up by the Gauteng Department of E-government on behalf of the province’s Department of Education (GDE). The GDE has a 7 000-computer user base located at its head office and district offices across the province. Additionally, there is a total of 23 sites across the GDE, where a local file server exists.

  • The Eastern Cape Department of Transport is advertising for the supply, delivery, installation and configuration of on-premises servers for its government fleet management services (GFMS) trading entity in East London. GFMS is developing its own data centre which is required to host ICT services securely, with sufficient capacity to address the organisation’s data and information storage needs. Only service providers accredited under SITA’s RFB 2003 transversal contract will be considered.

  • Staying in the Eastern Cape, the Department of Health is inviting service providers accredited on SITA RFB740-2020 to bid for the supply, delivery and installation of IT equipment. The request includes a variety of all-in-one desktops, laptops, bulk scanners and mobile computers on wheels for nurse carts.

  • The Financial Intelligence Centre invites bids for the acquisition and configuration of an eDiscovery solution. Its shared forensic capability division, established by what is now known as the National Priority Crime Operational Committee, needs to produce forensic reports or affidavits and support exhibits, annexures which will be used by law enforcement agencies in judicial or court processes. To assist in this process, an eDiscovery solution is required to create efficiencies in the identification, preservation, collection, processing, review, analysis, production and presentation of evidence material.

  • Transnet is advertising for the provision of a managed integrated travel. The company currently uses an outsourced integrated travel management booking system, for Transnet staff to do online bookings themselves. All Transnet operating divisions make use of this online system, nationally. In the period November 2023 to October 2024, this system facilitated 96 569 transactions for a total spend of R578 million.

  • The Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) is requesting proposals for the upgrade of its IT server and storage infrastructure. The IDC is currently using HPE servers and storage, as well as ExaGrid storage at its campus in Sandton and in 15 regional offices across South Africa. The IDC server infrastructure is designed and built around the native integration and interoperability of VMware, Veeam, ExaGrid and HPE.

New tenders

City of Cape Town

The municipality wishes to procure artificial intelligence and data services.

Non-compulsory briefing: 18 March – Microsoft Teams, Link
Tender no: 180S/2024/25
Information: Delyno Du Toit, E-mail:
Closing date: 31 March 2025

­­Tags: Services, software, artificial intelligence, AI, data, data analysis

State Information Technology Agency

A suitable service provider is sought to supply and install a hyperconverged infrastructure solution for three data centres (head office, Indlela and SITA Centurion) and maintenance and support for the Department of Higher Education and Training for 36 months.

Non-compulsory briefing: 11 March – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: RFB 3066-2024
Information: Elelwani Mundalamo, Tel: 012 367 3995, E-mail:
Closing date: 24 March 2025

­­Tags: Hardware, hyperconverged infrastructure, HCI, services, support and maintenance

The agency is also requesting proposals for the customisation of existing Oracle ERP modules, I Supplier, Sourcing and Contract Management.

Non-compulsory briefing: 6 March – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: RFP 3070-2024
Information: Thato Meso, Tel: 012 482 2595, E-mail:
Closing date: 24 March 2025

­­Tags: Software, software customisation, supply chain management, enterprise resource planning

SITA is also looking for an endpoint backup system, including licences, maintenance and support for 36 months for the Gauteng Department of E-government on behalf of the Gauteng Department of Education.

Non-compulsory briefing: 6 March – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: RFB 3069/2024
Information: Bongi Mochalatjie, Tel: 012 482 2034, E-mail:
Closing date: 24 March 2025

­­Tags: Software, hardware, backup, security, services, support and maintenance

National Treasury

The department’s director-general office wishes to appoint a panel of consultants for three years.

Tender no: NT003-2025
Information: NTAdministrative Tenders, Tel: 012 406 9007, E-mail:
Closing date: 25 March 2025

­­Tags: Services, professional services, consulting, consultants

Department of Transport, Eastern Cape

Supply, delivery, installation and configuration of on-premises servers is required at the department’s government fleet management services trading entity in East London.

Compulsory briefing: 11 March – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: SCMU10 GFMS–24/25-0007
Information: P Solwandle, Tel: 043 731 1140, E-mail:
Closing date: 25 March 2025

­­Tags: Hardware, servers

Department of Health, Eastern Cape

Service providers accredited on SITA RFB740-2020 are invited to bid for the supply, delivery and installation of IT equipment (desktops, laptops and scanners) for 36 months.

Compulsory briefing: 11 March – virtual
Tender no: SCMU3-24/25-0528-HO
Information: Noluvuyo Ndabula, Tel: 067 429 0896, E-mail:
Closing date: 28 March 2025

­­Tags: Hardware, computing, imaging, mobility, scanners

Financial Intelligence Centre

The FIC invites bids for the acquisition and configuration of an eDiscovery solution.

Compulsory briefing: 10 March – Microsoft Teams, Link
Tender no: FIC/RFB/eDISCOVERY SOLUTION/13/2024/25
Information: Kamogelo Rathebe, Tel: 012 641 6018, E-mail:
Closing date: 24 March 2025

­­Tags: Software, eDiscovery


The state-owned entity is advertising for the provision of a managed integrated travel solution for three years.

Non-compulsory briefing: 7 March – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: TCC/2025/01/0001/86921/RFP
Information: Lerato Ramoyada, Tel: 011 308 2108, E-mail:
Closing date: 31 March 2025

­­Tags: Software

Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa

Proposals are requested for the upgrade of IT server and storage infrastructure.

Tender no: T06/02/25
Information: Joseph Shadreck Phiri, Tel: 011 269 3810, E-mail:
Closing date: 19 March 2025

­­Tags: Hardware, servers, storage
