Despite government leaders descending on Cape Town last week to listen to president Cyril Ramaphosa deliver his State of the Nation Address, activity on National Treasury’s eTender Portal kept ticking over, with even national departments raising their hands for technology requirements.
The State IT Agency (SITA) again takes centre stage, as it dominates this week’s offerings with four advertisements.
SITA’s notice that it is refreshing its current RFB 1183 transversal contract for the provision of IT services and skills to the public sector will have the widest appeal to the sector. The agency notes in its tender documentation that government has urgent need for these services.
It has grouped various areas into “logical service portfolios” to assist in the correct identification of skill sets required as part of the service. These fall under the following categories:
- ICT management services
- Business planning and development
- Business solutions delivery services
- Information security services
- Business solution implementation services
- Applications development services
- ICT services support management
- Data centre services
- Communication network
- LAN and desktop
- Planning and organisation
SITA notes the refresh allows new bidders to apply for accreditation for these service categories, as well as enabling existing bidders to apply for any new service categories they do not already have accreditation for, or to obtain new accreditation status. Existing bidders which are on the current transversal contract and have been accredited will remain on the contract for the services they qualified for.
The agency is also calling for the provision of the architecture, design, development, integration, migration, installation, configuration and testing of an incident management solution for the South African Police Service (SAPS).
In the background to the tender, SITA notes SAPS does not have a single integrated system to manage the registration of reported incidents. Instead, this is performed by different systems on various technology platforms, some of which are outdated and de-supported on the development platform.
“An incident management solution is required that will encapsulate the core business processes of SAPS to enable them to effectively and efficiently perform the functions required. The solution is required to manage, register and dispatch incidents reported by the general public through the 10111 emergency number, police station, 112 number and sector patrol vehicle’s cellphone number for police assistance,” SITA says.
Turning to the Eastern Cape, the agency is inviting bids for the supply, installation and configuration of local area network equipment with hardware warranty for the provincial treasury.
According to SITA, this refresh process is critical, as the current networking equipment has reached its end-of-life and the manufacturer no longer supports it, keeps stock of spare parts to replace faulty parts, or releases software updates to improve security.
Finally, SITA closes the issue with a request for information on e-health systems, system take-on and implementation, maintenance and support services. This follows it being tasked by the Department of Defence with acquiring an e-health system for the South African Military Health Service (SAMHS) that will replace the current legacy health informatics system.
“The SAMHS is a large and complex organisation, with legacy systems that can no longer support the expanding and dynamic nature of healthcare, military healthcare and technology. The legacy systems do not have the requisite capabilities for improved healthcare, health intelligence, healthcare information management and service requirements for integrated healthcare delivery that seamlessly acquire, store and disseminate health information from a static facility and/or a mobile healthcare facility to a centralised e-health platform,” the agency reveals.
The request for information specifies that the new e-health system must be customisable to accommodate SAMHS’s unique requirements, such as medical classifications, combat readiness and disaster management. It must also be possible to enhance the system with subsequent requirements that will be identified during and after implementation.
Other tenders that make this week’s top 10:
- The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development wishes to lease 17 scanners for its national office and nine provinces. The department notes the scanning of authorised financial documents has become an efficient and effective method of ensuring payments are available for audit purpose, financial reporting and legal cases. The required scanners must be able to scan approximately 60 000 document parcels (payments and journals) per year.
- The National School of Government is calling for the hosting, support and maintenance of its Moodle learning management system. The Moodle environment currently supports up to 100 000 enrolments per annum and the department expects learner numbers to continue to grow at an annual rate of 10%.
- The Department of Tourism is looking for a professional service provider to conduct an audit related to its ICT environment, systems and process. The scope of the audit will focus on the adequacy and effectiveness of systems of control around cyber security governance, business continuity and business recovery.
- The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development wishes to appoint a service provider to implement a business process re-engineering programme. This will include the implementation of recommendations that emerged from an earlier ‘as-is’ assessment of the department’s business processes, operating model, IT systems and organisational performance.
- The South African Social Security Agency’s Eastern Cape region requires the supply, configuration and delivery of 60 standard laptops, five advanced laptops, one executive laptop, 61 desktops, 52 tablets, 175 sensitive biometric fingerprint readers, 500 standard biometric fingerprint readers, 111 barcode scanners, 281 multifunction printers and 23 high-volume image scanners. Only SITA-accredited service providers on SITA RFB 740, from the Eastern Cape, will be considered.
- The Municipal Infrastructure Support Agent (MISA) is seeking a service provider to develop and implement a business continuity management system and resilience programme. MISA notes that for the unit to perform efficiently and effectively, business continuity deficiencies noted by the internal audit need to be improved. Finding an appropriate service provider to implement MISA business continuity is imperative due to capacity constraints and skills required to fully implement the programme, it says.
New tenders
State Information Technology Agency
The agency is calling for the provision of the architecture, design, development, integration, migration, installation, configuration and testing of an incident management solution to the South African Police Service for 36 months.
Non-compulsory briefing: 13 February – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: RFP 3065-2024
Information: Thato Meso, Tel: 012 482 2595, E-mail: thato.meso@sita.co.za
Closing date: 3 March 2025
Tags: Software, software development, services, professional services
SITA is refreshing its RFB 1183 transversal contract for the acquisition of IT services and skills for government for the duration of the current contract.
Non-compulsory briefing: 13 February – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: RFB 1183-2024
Information: Lunathi Mqalo, Tel: 012 367 3412, E-mail: lunathi.mqalo@sita.co.za
Closing date: 28 February 2025
Tags: Services, professional services, managed services, skills
Bids are also invited for the supply, installation, configuration of local area network equipment, includinf switches, wireless app and network modules with hardware warranty for five years for the Eastern Cape Provincial Treasury.
Non-compulsory briefing: 10 February – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: RFB 2915/2024
Information: Konwaba Mbolekwa, Tel: 012 282 2580, E-mail: Konwaba.Mbolekwa@sita.co.za
Closing date: 27 February 2025
Tags: Hardware, networking, local area network, LAN
Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
A service provider is sought to supply the department’s national office and nine provinces with leasing (rental) of 17 scanners for 36 months.
Compulsory briefing: 14 February
Tender no: 5-2-2-1 DALRRD-0021(2024-2025)
Information: Prudence Phiri, Tel: 012 312 8449, E-mail: Prudence.Phiri@dalrrd.gov.za
Closing date: 4 March 2025
Tags: Hardware, imaging, scanning
National School of Government
Requires hosting, support and maintenance of its learning management system, Moodle, for 60 months.
Non-compulsory briefing: 12 February – Virtual, Meeting ID: 368 842 907 046 Passcode: cS75un3N
Tender no: NSG/BID/07/2024/2025
Information: A de Beer, Tel: 012 441 6092, E-mail: annetha.debeer@thensg.gov.za
Closing date: 28 February 2025
Tags: Software, learning management system, LMS, hosting, cloud computing, services, support and maintenance
Department of Tourism
The national department is calling for proposals from service providers to conduct an ICT audit.
Tender no: DM589/25
Information: Dipuo Matsetela, Tel: 012 444 6258, E-mail: DMatsetela@tourism.gov.za
Closing date: 17 February 2025
Tags: Services, professional services, ICT audit
Department of Justice and Constitutional Development
The department wishes to appoint a service provider to implement a business process re-engineering programme for three years.
Compulsory briefing: 11 February – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: RFB 08 2024
Information: MG Luhlazane, Tel: 012 315 1111, E-mail: scm@justice.gov.za
Closing date: 28 February 2025
Tags: Services, professional services, business process management, BPM, business process re-engineering, BPR
South African Social Security Agency
Prospective service providers are invited to bid for the supply, configuration and delivery of 60 standard laptops, five advanced laptops, one executive laptop, 61 desktops, 52 tablets, 175 biometric fingerprint readers (sensitive), 500 biometric fingerprint readers (standard), 111 barcode scanners, 281 multifunction printers and 23 high-volume image scanners for SASSA’s Eastern Cape region, as per SITA RFB 740.
Tender no: SASSA: 14-24-ICT-EC
Information: T Tyaliti, Tel: 043 707 6328, E-mail: TenderQueriesEC@sassa.gov.za
Closing date: 20 February 2025
Tags: Hardware, computing, mobility, laptop, desktop, tablets, biometrics, scanners, printers, imaging
Municipal Infrastructure Support Agent
A service provider is sought to develop and implement a business continuity management system and resilience programme at MISA for 12 months.
Compulsory briefing: 10 February – Microsoft Teams, Meeting ID: 379 433 506 114, Passcode: gz3MN9JD
Tender no: MISA/BCMS/IA/026/2024/25
Information: Dineo Kau, Tel: 012 848 5300, E-mail: tenders@misa.gov.za
Closing date: 2 February 2025
Tags: Software, services, business continuity, business continuity management system, BCMS, resilience, professional services
Request for information
State Information Technology Agency
The agency is calling for information on e-health systems, system take-on and implementation, maintenance and support services.
Non-compulsory briefing: 14 February – Microsoft Teams
Tender no: RFI 5903/2025
Information: Mildred Mashego, Tel: 012 482 2339, E-mail: Mildred.Mashego@sita.co.za
Closing date: 3 March 2025
Tags: Software, e-health, services, support and maintenance