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Tips for choosing the right ADSL connection for your business

By Derek Hershaw, CEO of MWEB ISP.

Johannesburg, 27 Aug 2013

In today's extremely tough economic conditions, many businesses are effectively being excluded from the cloud revolution because they cannot afford uncapped, unshaped and unthrottled business connectivity solutions.

So says Derek Hershaw, CEO of MWEB ISP, who notes that many businesses, particularly smaller enterprises, often try to make do with consumer-type alternatives.

A 'broadband' connection meant for home use is not ideal for use as a business connection. It certainly will not be able to deliver the level of performance that most businesses need - particularly if they hope to use the Internet for more than a few e-mails and occasional Web surfing," he adds.

"They also won't be able to use technologies like video conferencing, remote backup and archiving, and other essential productivity enhancers that cloud makes possible, effectively."

Hershaw points out that, for technological freedom and cloud exploration, a reliable, fast, uncapped Internet connection is essential. The connection should be able to cope with high traffic volumes as well as ensure that productivity levels within the organisation are not compromised by slow data transfer speeds.

As a business, you should ask your ISP for advice to ensure that your connection is the best in terms of value for money and performance. Performance is a function of speed and reliability. Ask your ISP these questions to ensure you get the optimal solution for your business:

1. Is the service shaped or unshaped?
2. Is priority given to some kinds of traffic over others, such as peer-to-peer applications?
3. Is there a rolling threshold on the uncapped allowance? If so, what happens when you reach that threshold?
4. Does the service have connectivity redundancy on its international links? This is essential if one link goes down.
5. Do you provide round-the-clock technical support?

"At MWEB Business, we recognise that businesses have differing needs and budgets," Hershaw says.

"While all our business offerings harness the speed and power of MWEB Business' robust network and deliver the essential reliability, redundancy and 24/7 technical support businesses need, there are different 'flavours' of business connectivity available."

For example, a business can choose an entry-level 1Mbps product that may be shaped to prioritise business data over other types of traffic, such as peer-to-peer downloading. This means that non-business-critical traffic will therefore not perform at the same levels as MWEB's higher-end, fully unshaped ADSL, or even VDSL, products.

MWEB Business also offers other services and solutions to meet a wide range of an organisation's IT needs. In addition to ADSL and VDSL connectivity, MWEB provides fibre, GSM and satellite connectivity, as well as cloud-based backup, archiving and business application services along with voice and hosting solutions.


MWEB Business

Founded in January 1998 as the business division of MWEB, MWEB Business provides comprehensive solutions in the areas of Internet access, cloud services, network support and voice services, to businesses of all sizes.

It is dedicated to helping its business clients leverage the power of the Internet by providing a comprehensive solution for all their Internet needs, along with the expertise and skills to successfully implement this in their ventures.

MWEB Business provides Internet services to more than 12 000 business clients.

Issued on behalf of MWEB Business.

Editorial contacts

Marilyn de Villiers
Troika PR
(011) 884 0775
Daphne Mphaga
MWEB Business
(011) 340 7170