
The rise of the hybrid office and Hosted PBX in the cloud

The world of work has a completely new ring to it. After two years of working from home (WFH), employers and employees have made this concept work. Companies have scaled down their office spaces and workers are spending less time in traffic. But is there longevity in this?

Experts believe that WFH may have a negative effect on ‘company culture’ and in order to secure long-term productivity and passion for their role in the company, networking and engagement with colleagues and clients are a must. There is a way to keep everyone happy: the hybrid office environment.

Greg Schwebig, Founder and CEO of AfricaWorks, believes the flexible approach of a hybrid office is the best way forward.

“The office will never be 'consumed' like before,” he says in a Business Insider Africa interview. “However, it is erroneous to think that the office is dead! At AfricaWorks, we believe that the future is hybrid and will be a mix of ‘work from home’ and 'work from office'.”

The hybrid office is the ideal solution to keep talent and bring back normalcy in the work environment, but how would it work practically? Will teams alternate? And how will managers keep tabs on who's working where and on which day?

Luckily, with a comprehensive communication tool like Hosted PBX in the Cloud by, this is not an issue. Whether someone is working from the office, their home, or in Japan, reception can simply patch them through.

What Hosted PBX in the Cloud by can do for your hybrid workforce

Hosted PBX in the Cloud by, also referred to as Cloud PBX or VOIP, is the answer to obtaining a fully streamlined, highly productive and super-efficient hybrid workforce.

Employees can make and take unlimited* phone calls from anywhere via an app on their cellphones, mobile devices or desktops. Due to Vox Voice and’s leading hosting atmosphere, calls are crystal clear, secure and reliable as the connection affords.

Award-winning 3CX Software on the other hand allows for 150 effective and efficient features, including video conferencing and Live Chat.

It is important to remember that one company’s hybrid needs will be different from the next.

Luckily,’s Hosted PBX in the Cloud solution offers eight different packages best suited to our clients’ diverse needs. Plus, the solution is fully managed by us, and our excellent support team can assist you every step of the way.

* Terms and conditions apply.


Editorial contacts

Adele Hanekom
Marketing Department (Domains)
(+27) 11 640 9700