
Testing as a service: The answer to project complexity

Adopting a TaaS model gives businesses access to a dedicated testing service and the requisite skills, without investing in the in-house resources required to maintain it.
TaaS addresses complexities found in modern software projects.
TaaS addresses complexities found in modern software projects.

The rapid pace of technology evolution today means that in the software development landscape, effective testing has never been more vital, and has led to the rise of testing as a service (TaaS). A revolutionary approach to quality assurance, TaaS delivers streamlined solutions aimed at addressing the many complexities found in modern software projects.

Businesses that leverage the principles behind TaaS thus obtain a multitude of benefits, including the ability to make more informed decisions around how to enhance software quality, while at the same time optimising resources.

The rise of the DevOps concept, which brings together development and operations to foster collaboration, reduced many historical software development challenges. However, growing security concerns saw security specialists integrated into this mix, forming what is now called DevSecOps.

TaaS represents a natural progression from these earlier models and is designed to ensure businesses have access to a dedicated testing service, without needing to invest in the in-house resources required to maintain it. This enables their internal developers to focus on creating innovative solutions, while external experts manage the quality assurance.

Obtaining such quality assurance as a service means that enterprises gain access to testers with proven skills, advanced tools and even automation capabilities. Furthermore, since it is provided as a service, it means companies can partner with solution providers to either manage their entire testing function, or only specifically chosen tasks, and that they can tailor the service to their unique business requirements.

Numerous benefits

According to leading provider of advanced technology solutions BCX, TaaS offers numerous benefits to organisations, such as making cloud-based access, collaboration and flexibility simple, and ensuring teams work together seamlessly, wherever they are based. Also, it streamlines repetitive testing tasks using automation, benefiting efficiency and accuracy, while its real-time reporting functionality delivers almost instant insights into testing outcomes, speeding up decision-making.

In fact, one of the most compelling TaaS advantages identified by BCX is the clear potential for cost savings. While reducing the need for costly in-house testers, TaaS also facilitates access to a wider range of expertise and industry best practices, while also offering organisations added benefits, like penetration testing and security assessments.

Other advantages include the ability to rapidly adjust testing resources in response to changing project demands – something particularly crucial in today's agile environments, with their short development cycles and need for rapid deployment.

TaaS has emerged as a valuable solution, enabling organisations to optimise their quality assurance processes, while maintaining focus on core competencies. It is effective across multiple sectors – from retail to financial services – where the ability to release high-quality software with confidence is crucial. It not only improves testing efficiency, but secures both organisations and end-users by ensuring that applications are secure from the outset.

Through its new proprietary platform, Smar-Test, BCX introduces a self-service, on-demand portal that allows businesses to manage their testing needs effortlessly. Clients can select from a range of tests, such as penetration testing, UI testing and load testing, and receive immediate, actionable insights into their software’s performance.

BCX is able to offer a comprehensive, highly scalable and flexible TaaS solutions that address all the testing needs of clients across a wide range of industry sectors. BCX’s TaaS, coupled with Smar-Test, provides a level of flexibility, cost-efficiency and precision that helps businesses streamline their software quality processes

It is clear that with the speed of evolution within today’s digital landscape, organisations that embrace TaaS will be well-positioned to maintain their competitive advantage. With TaaS and Smar-Test, BCX is setting a new standard in software testing, empowering businesses of all sizes to optimise their applications quickly and affordably – without the need for extensive infrastructure or dedicated resources. 
