KwaZulu-Natal is busy this week as several departments take out new advertisements in the National Tender Bulletin. Meanwhile the State IT Agency is re-advertising two tenders for accreditation while National Treasury disappoints as it withdraws its tender for phase three of the Municipal Finance Improvement Programme. Closing out the week is the Department of Police awarding a R20 million contract to Altech Alcom Matomo for uhf analogue portable radios, including training.
New tenders
Department of Social Development, KwaZulu-Natal
Provision of off-site storage for head office. Tenders will be adjudicated as per Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Regulations 2017. B-BBEE Points will be allocated as follows for 90/10: 90 = Price, 10 = B-BBEE points.
Bids will be adjudicated in terms of functionality, price and preference evaluation criteria weighting points.
1. Capacity to handle projects of similar nature 30
2. Proposal/Project implementation plan 20
3. Site Visits 30
4. Disaster Management Plan 20
5. Total points = 100
Minimum functionality score to qualify for further evaluation is 80.
Compulsory briefing: 12 June
Tender no: KZNB28/ DSD/2017
Information: Technical: T.P Zondi (033) 264 2186, e-mail: busisiwe.malevu@kznsocdev.gov.za. General: Thobile Ngwane (033) 897 9913, e-mail: ngwane@kznsocdev.gov.za.
Closing date: 4 July
Department of Transport, KwaZulu-Natal
The province invites tenders for the establishment of an enterprise project management office for a period of five years.
* Established transport infrastructure consultants.
* Sub-contracting a minimum of 35% of contract value to an EME or QSE which is at least 51% owned by black people who are youth/women/people with disabilities.
* Bids will be evaluated on functionality with 65% requirement.
* Price bids where functionality does not meet 65% will be returned unopened.
Compulsory briefing: 2 June
Tender no: ZNB 1390/ 17 T
Information: Technical: Ntuthuko Ndamane (033) 355 8718, e-mail: Ntuthuko.Ndamane@kzntransport.gov.za. General: Sandile Nkala (033) 355 8975, fax: (033) 355 8091, e-mail: Sandile.Nkala@kzntransport.gov.za.
Closing date: 22 June
Department of Higher Education and Training
Lephalale TVET College is looking for the supply and delivery of 125 computers for classrooms
Tender no: LEPTVETCOL2017/002
Information: Technical: M J Chabedi (014) 763 2252 ext 214, fax: (014) 763 2253, e-mail: chabedim@leptvetcol.edu.za. General: H.M.G Makibelo (014) 763 2252 ext 266, fax: (014) 763 2253, e-mail: makibeloh@leptvetcol.edu.za.
Closing date: 12 June
National Health Laboratory Service
A service provider is sought for an annual OpenText ECM Suite software licence renewal for three years.
Tender no: RFB023/ 17-18
Information: Lebohang Moleko (011) 386 6167, fax: (011) 386 6079, e-mail: Lebohang.Moleko@nhls.ac.za.
Closing date: 15 June
The NHLS is also looking for Oracle system support and maintenance for a period of three years.
Compulsory briefing: 2 June
Tender no: RFB110/ 17-18
Information: Latani Ramalivhana (011) 386 6250, fax: (011) 386 6218, e-mail: latani.ramalivhana@nhls.ac.za.
Closing date: 26 June
The organisation is also advertising for the development of a five-year IT strategy and enterprise architecture for a period of six months.
Compulsory briefing: 2 June
Tender no: RFB009/ 17-18
Information: Latani Ramalivhana (011) 386 6250, fax: (011) 386 6218, e-mail: latani.ramalivhana@nhls.ac.za.
Closing date: 26 June
The company invites proposals from suitably qualified companies to provide capital modelling software.
Note: Duly completed and signed proposals with supporting documents, enclosed in a sealed envelope clearly endorsed with the relevant bid number and description, must be deposited at Sasria's Reception at 36 Fricker Road, Illovo, Sandton by latest 28 June 2017 at 12 noon. A receipt will be issued for all bid envelopes received. Sasria's operating hours are from 8.30am to 4.30pm. Late, incomplete, faxed, posted or e-mailed proposals will not be considered and any proposal delivered to any address other than the address mentioned above will not be accepted.
Tender no: 2017/ 03
Information: Technical: Mogamat Sallie (011) 214 0800, e-mail: mogamats@sasria.co.za. Olwethu Cengimbo (011) 214 0800, e-mail: olwethuc@sasria.co.za.
Closing date: 28 June
State Information Technology Agency
Request to establish a panel of service providers for the provision/co-build of terrestrial layer 2 mile transmission services for the SITA NGN for a period of five (05) years.
Tender no: RFI 1560/ 2017
Information: Andisiwe Qwase (012) 482 3293, e-mail: Andisiwe.qwase@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 5 June
Department of Health, KwaZulu-Natal
Niemeyer Memorial Hospital is advertising the contract for the upgrading and rental of a PABX system and maintenance of telephone system for a period of 36 months as per specifications.
Tender no: ZNQ: 8046/ 17 NIEM
Information: Technical: N. Thwala (034) 331 3011, fax: (034) 331 3061, e-mail: Nkosikhona.Thwala@kznhealth.gov.za. General: S.M. Zulu (034) 331 3011, fax: (034) 331 3061, e-mail: Sphiwe.Zulu2@kznhealth.gov.za.
Closing date: 9 June
Legal Aid South Africa
Legal Aid is looking for provision of maintenance and support for Exinda devices on its WAN for a period of two (2) years and six (6) months.
Tender no: 03/2017
Information: Technical Enquiries: Jonas Skosana, e-mail: JonasS@legal-aid.co.za. General: Merriam Rasetsoke (011) 877 2000, e-mail: MerriamR@legal-aid.co.za.
Closing date: 12 June
Safety and Security Education and Training Authority
The organisation requires cloud hosting services.
Tender no: RFP/ SASSETA/1718009
Information: Technical: William Nkuna (011) 087 5506, e-mail: wnkuna@sasseta.org.za. General: SASSETA Call Centre (01)1 087 5555, e-mail: callcentre@sasseta.org.za.
Closing date: 19 June
Request for accreditation
State Information Technology Agency
Request for ACCREDITATION to provide hardware maintenance and support of Wide Area network (WAN) and Local Area Networks (LAN) devices for SITA for a period of five years.
Tender no: RFI 1554/ 2017
Information: Andisiwe Qwase (012) 482 3293, e-mail: Andisiwe.qwase@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 5 June
Request for accreditation for the design, supply, installation and maintenance of LAN cabling infrastructure solution for SITA for a period of five years.
Tender no: RFI 1553/ 2017
Information: Andisiwe Qwase (012) 482 3293, e-mail: Andisiwe.qwase@sita.co.za.
Closing date: 5 June
National Treasury
Identification of service providers to the Government Technical Advisory Centre for assignment to the municipal finance improvement programme phase iii: integrated infrastructure.
Tender no: GTAC: 006/ 2016
Department of Police
Supply and delivery of uhf analogue portable radios including training for a period of two years in accordance with specification 762a/2016: Division: Technology Management Services.
Tender no: 19/ 1/ 9/ 1/86TR(16)
Successful bidder: Altech Alcom Matomo
Value: Estimated R 20 000 000