
Sync introduces new Web-based modules to its ERP system

Johannesburg, 06 Aug 2013

The huge increase in IT mobility means ERP systems need to adapt to keep up with the trend. At iSyncSolutions, the highly skilled development team is constantly working at keeping its ERP and PLM software system, Sync, current and client focused. As a result, Sync has recently extended is industry leading apparel ERP and PLM software to include two new Web modules, namely Quality Audit (QA) and Critical Path.

These modules have been designed specifically for mobile users who need to perform time-sensitive work in Sync on a tablet out in the field or when they are out of the office. In addition, the Web modules allow suppliers to connect into Sync in order to provide order progress updates and critical business information, thereby improving communication and supplier collaboration.

The QA module is used to manage the entire quality audit process, including garment audit reports and submissions. Sync's Task module, a unique industry leading initiative, is now also available as a Web module, and is designed to calculate the projected delivery date of orders and re-projects deadlines based on the actual date that tasks have been completed. This, in turn, assists users in prioritising work, and highlights potential late deliveries and problem areas to management.

Using these new Web applications in conjunction with the PC-based modules makes access to real-time critical information for Sync users even quicker and more convenient. With tablet use in South Africa on the increase, developments such as these are crucial and ensure that Sync remains the leading apparel ERP and PLM software solution in South Africa.


Editorial contacts

Wendy Booysen
iSync Solutions
(082) 804 8355