
Sprint readies network for iPhone 5

Tessa Reed
By Tessa Reed, Journalist
Johannesburg, 21 Sep 2011

Sprint readies network for iPhone 5

Following reports that Apple's iPhone 5 is set to be released soon, Sprint has indicated that its network will be able to handle the device once it becomes part of its smartphone line-up, Planet Insane reports.

The company is currently monitoring its network, and investing in infrastructure, to ensure its clients will have an excellent user experience. This was revealed by Joe Euteneuer, CFO of Sprint, at a recent investor conference.

According to Phone News, in a notice sent to customers along with their latest bills, Verizon Wireless has begun informing current customers that, as of this week, the carrier has started to implement its previously leaked network management policies that were first discovered in February, ahead of its launch of the iPhone.

The network management policy now stipulates that these new changes are not throttling, as practiced by AT&T, T-Mobile and other carriers, but a new real-time method of traffic management, based on how congested the cell site is at any given moment, will be adopted.

PCMag states that, according to the company, only those on Verizon's 3G unlimited data plans might be affected by network optimisation. Although Verizon claims it could extend its network optimisation policy to its 4G LTE network, users with 4G LTE devices are currently spared from any surfing slowdowns.

Also, those with tethering plans through Verizon will not be affected by network optimisation, as they are essentially already paying for their expected increased network use.
