
SPI announces availability of COSprint V2.8

Johannesburg, 19 May 2011

SPI, the African distributor for utility software products and services to the open systems segment of the IT industry, today announced the general availability of version 2.8 of its popular print spooling and print management software - COSprint.

The release offers existing and new users of COSprint a significantly enhanced version of the software, which is used for the spooling of print requests in a mixed Unix, Linux and Microsoft Windows environment.

"This new release gives our existing customers an enhanced, enterprise quality print spooler that is capable of handling an increased number of print requests,” commented Chris Anderson, Managing Director of SPI.

“The driving force behind the release is OSM's belief that software companies must be reactive to the demands from their customer base for an ever more scalable, reliable and intuitive product," continued Anderson.

The new software incorporates a number of significant enhancements, including improvements that allow COSprint to deal ever more seamlessly with a dynamically changing print environment. It adds, for example, the ability to configure the number of times a failed print request is retried on a printer by printer basis, plus the ability to redirect a print request to an alternate device, either on submittal or on failure. COSprint v2.8 also provides for a number of administrative improvements, including a single console view of all activity, the ability to control the number of simultaneously processing print requests and configuration of how retained printed requests are expired.

“COSprint 2.8 exists as a result of OSM listening to its users as to the additional functionality and improvements that they want to see in the software. In difficult market conditions such as those seen in the last two years, it is the loyalty of their customer base which has ensured their continuing success. We owe it to those customers to do everything reasonably within our power to help them achieve their goals using this software,” concluded Anderson.

Open Systems Management (OSM) is a privately held company with venture capital backing, was founded in 1988 and develops and markets low cost, high quality systems and IT operations management software for Unix, Linux and Microsoft Windows systems.

For further information, please contact Chris Anderson at tel. +27 11 234 1560; fax +27 11 234 1387; e-mail



SPI is a company that provides utility software products and services to the open systems segment of the IT industry. It is the sole sub-Saharan Africa distributor for USA-based FacetCorp; USA-based Innovative Routines; UK-based-Open Systems Management; Privileged User Manager from Australia-based Applecross Technologies; France-based Esker; and UK-based Xi Software. SPI also develops some of its own software utilities to complement the overseas products that it distributes.

SPI has a wide and varied customer base and includes organisations such as Aspen Pharmacare, Johannesburg Municipality, University of Johannesburg, Metropolitan Health Group, Nampak, National Brands, Stellenbosch University, UCT and UNISA.

Editorial contacts

Paul Booth
Global Research Partners
(+27) 82 568 1179
Chris Anderson
SPI Group
(+27) 11 234 1560