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South African Service Awards shinning the spotlight on customer service

Wowing the world with new technology but not getting the recognition your company deserves for customer service excellence? Enter the South African Service Awards (SASA) 2013 and take the spotlight.

Johannesburg, 15 Aug 2013

There are few industries as competitive and ground-breaking as the IT industry. Every new day sees mind-blowing innovation and invention, faster connections, easier communication and ever smarter devices. Educator Karl Fisch captures modern society in saying: "We are currently preparing students for jobs that don't yet exist, using technologies that haven't been invented, in order to solve problems we don't even know are problems yet."

Yet amid the invention and the excitement of new technology, South African consumers turn to companies that not only wow them with their bigger, better, smarter products, but also that put customer service first. So why let competitors steal centre stage when your company deserves recognition for customer service excellence? The South African Service Awards showcases brands and service providers that know how to delight their customers.

Taking a stand

CEO of Smoke Customer Care Solutions, Andrew Cook, says: "Consumers not only want good products and speedy services, they want to spend their money where they feel valued. In turn, we noticed that customers want to praise businesses that achieve this."

SASA was launched in 2011 to provide South African businesses with a platform where good service could be rewarded. "There has always been so much bad publicity around customer service," adds General Manager of the Awards, Hanlie Palmer, "so the purpose of the awards is to give the recognition that companies deserve for delivering excellent customer service. Customers vote to show their support and appreciation. By making use of sample sizes, all companies can compete on an equal level regardless of their size, name or reputation." It all comes down to what the customer has to say.

Entries are closing

All product and service providers across South Africa - from IT and financial, to retail, travel and hospitality - are invited to register. SASA is based on the views and responses of customers who have interacted with your company. This gives you the opportunity to gain business intelligence as part of your customer satisfaction health-check tool. All feedback received through the SASA is confidential and is shared with only you and your company. You will be able to interact with those customers (satisfied or unsatisfied) to resolve concerns or explore new ideas.

Entries close on 31 August 2013. The voting period will run from 1 September to 30 November 2013. The awards are hosted by Smoke Customer Care Solutions, the leading provider of automated customer feedback solutions in South Africa. Go to for more information.

For more information about the 2012 winners and how to register, go to or contact (011) 462 9881.


Editorial contacts

Bronwyn Wainwright
The Word Works
(+27) 11 346 1825