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Soarsoft International at Johannesburg Microsoft Tech Summit

Soarsoft International will be exhibiting at the Microsoft Tech Summit at Johannesburg's Sandton Convention Centre, from 6-7 February 2017.

Soarsoft International's focus for the event will be on highlighting the services and vendors that have resonated strongly with its medium and large enterprise customers that are moving and deploying Microsoft's Cloud. These vendors are all experiencing significant global growth, are strongly aligned with Microsoft's mobile and cloud first strategies, and focus on breaking down the barriers to fast, efficient and secure cloud adoption that respects corporate information governance requirements.

The three top vendors joining Soarsoft International at its stand are TransVault, 4ward365 and STEALTHbits Technologies.

Key areas include:

E-mail archive and large volume unstructured data migration with TransVault

* Flexible solutions for tailored archive migrations;
* Unbeatable on-premises to Office365 archive migration speeds;
* Seamless transitions and uninterrupted access to e-mail and content; and
* Full chain of custody with comprehensive compliance and security capabilities.

Office365 management and optimisation with 4ward365

* Complete visibility into data, activities and permissions for security and compliance;
* In-depth tracking of usage trends and internal adoption statistics;
* Advanced and customisable reporting on your Office365 environment;
* Delegation with V-Tenants;
* Defining licence pools across business units; and
* Time- and cost-saving auditing and administrative tools.

File analysis and data governance with STEALTHbits Technologies

* Detailed file analysis, including content, location and access permissions;
* Accurate identification of sensitive information for POPI compliance;
* Time-saving pre-migration tools for data classification and clean-up;
* Information-driven data sovereignty and protection capabilities; and
* Advanced threat detection and risk mitigation for the cloud.

Having planned and implemented some of the most complex unstructured data projects and migrations around the world, the Soarsoft International team is looking forward to sharing its insights on Office365 in the South African market with Microsoft Tech Summit visitors.

To find out more about the event, or to register for attendance, visit Microsoft Tech Summit Johannesburg.


Editorial contacts

Tracey Hadfield
Soarsoft International