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Soarsoft delivers TransVault Insight - enterprise-scale PST management solution

By Soarsoft International
Johannesburg, 22 Jul 2011

Organisations today are faced with the challenge of e-mail overflow, and in response, have either implemented an archive solution or are relying on personal archive files (aka PST files) in an effort to manage mailbox overload.

Soarsoft Africa, a specialist in archiving, migration, messaging and collaboration, has introduced TransVault Insight - a new solution that assists companies to effectively manage their PST files, freeing up mailbox space and delivering control.

Says Chris Hathaway, Director at Soarsoft Africa: "Many companies face the challenge of managing large and prolific numbers of PST files - the much maligned file format that is often used by individuals to provide an overspill area for their mailbox. TransVault Insight provides companies with a tool to manage their PST files effectively without compromising the ability to back up and search for archived e-mails that reside in these files."

"In addition, the move to cloud computing, mergers and acquisitions and break-out from under-performing existing archive solutions, are driving customers to look for alternative archiving solutions, but are unable to migrate due to vendor lock-in. TransVault Insight complements the TransVault offering as it supports the approach of multiple sources (now including PST files) as well as third-party party archive solutions from major vendors. This effectively allows customers to break out of 'vendor lock-in', providing them with choice and flexibility."

Already recognised for its e-mail archive migration solution, the company has introduced Insight to deliver advanced capability for tackling PST files.

"PSTs are very widely used as a way of avoiding mailbox overload. They are, however, generally recognised in the industry as being a risky and suboptimal storage option, with many shortcomings that make it difficult for organisations to backup, search and manage," explains Barney Haye, CEO of TransVault.

"Insight is designed for large enterprises that need to take control of distributed personal archives. We give them the option to manage PST files where they are, or move all or selected PST contents into a secure, central location, such as the new Exchange 2010 personal archive service," continues Haye.

In addition to letting organisations manage and migrate their PSTs, the important piece in the jigsaw TransVault Insight provides is visibility of the potential risk that PSTs pose to the business. This is especially the case for organisations that need to retain e-mails in accordance with legislation and be able to perform e-discovery.

Concludes Hathaway: "E-mails that get put into PST files fly under the radar. They are also a handy mechanism for exporting potentially critical intellectual capital within e-mails from an organisation. TransVault Insight puts organisations back in control of their e-mail records: letting them see where PST files are undermining their records management policies; and then empowering them to take remedial action."


Soarsoft Africa

Soarsoft Africa has specialised in archive, migration and messaging services for over a decade, leveraging the experience gained from some of the largest and most complex implementations around the world to deliver cost-effective and successful projects and solutions. Soarsoft Africa remains product independent, but supports and implements what it considers to be trusted and proven solutions to meet specific customer requirements. Soarsoft Africa continues to evaluate its offerings to ensure they maintain market and technological leadership positions, so that clients are offered the very best advice when assessing products and solutions that will match their requirements. Soarsoft Africa has offices in Johannesburg and Cape Town South Africa.

TransVault Software (TVS)

TransVault Software (TVS) specialises in high-volume, multi-vendor data migration solutions designed to preserve accessibility to an organisation's business records while ensuring information retention and discovery compliance. Customers rely on TVS to insulate their valuable data from business change (such as mergers and acquisitions), as well as technological change such as media obsolescence and solution end-of-life. Its flagship solution, TransVault, has helped many large organisations migrate between and within different e-mail archive platforms from vendors, including Symantec, Autonomy, HP, AXS-One, EMC, OpenText, Quest, Iron Mountain (Mimosa), Microsoft Exchange and hosted archiving platforms, including Microsoft BPOS and Office 365. .PST files and other industry-standard formats such as .EML & .MSG are also supported, along with the ability to convert between IBM Lotus Notes and Microsoft Exchange e-mail formats (and vice versa). Support for additional platforms and formats is being added all the time.

Editorial contacts

Chris Hathaway
Soarsoft International
011 781 2323