Deputy communications minister Stella Tembisa Ndabeni opened an i-Lab at the Mvenyane Senior Secondary School, in the Eastern Cape, on Friday.
The Department of Communications says the initiative is to bring hope through technology to the rural and remote community.
The school i-Lab is a collaboration between Sentech and the Universal Service and Access Agency of SA (USAASA). It is equipped with 41 computers and five-year Sentech VSAT Internet connectivity.
“Sentech's corporate social investment (CSI) strategy is guided by the principle of promoting universal access, and sustainable development of communities through ICT interventions. The company's CSI model focuses on developing sustainable community-based programmes that are designed to uplift underserviced communities and bridge the technological divide. These programmes are implemented through the provision of both financial and other non-financial resources,” says the partnership.
It adds that USAASA is mandated through the Electronic Communications Act to promote the goals of universal service and universal access to ICTs in the country.
“In order to deliver on this mandate, the agency must ensure that it provides necessary subsidies through the utilisation of Universal Service and Access Fund to communities and public schools in underserviced areas, enabling them to access ICT services.
“The partnership between the two entities demonstrates the desire to provide ICT services to rural and underserviced communities.”
Ndabeni says the initiative helps to empower school children through ICT tools.
Mvenyane Senior Secondary School achieved an 83% matric pass rate in 2011. The school says this much-needed intervention will assist the school in not only achieving a 100% pass rate, but also distinctions in the future.
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