Mmamathe Makhekhe-Mokhuane’s employment as chief officer of the digital information services and technology unit at the South African Revenue Service (SARS) has ended.
This comes after SARS announced Makhekhe-Mokhuane’s suspension in August.
In a statement issued this afternoon, the tax collector says the commissioner, Edward Kieswetter has committed to the important work of rebuilding internal and public confidence in SARS.
As a result, following interactions and information exchanged between SARS and Makhekhe-Mokhuane and Mr Luther Lebelo, respectively, through their legal representatives, it has been concluded that:
“SARS and Ms Makhekhe-Mokhuane and Mr Lebelo, respectively, should, and have agreed to end the employment relationship with immediate effect.
“SARS will not proceed with further actions against Ms Makhekhe-Mokhuane and Mr Luther Lebelo in pursuance of allegations against them respectively.
“SARS wishes them well in their future endeavours.”
Makhekhe-Mokhuane made headlines last year when she was unable to explain SARS’ state of IT infrastructure, or provide a clear assessment of the way forward during an interview on SABC's TV breakfast show, Morning Live.
Days after, she issued an apology, saying her “conduct during the TV interview and at the Nugent Commission of Inquiry was regrettable”.
In April, it was revealed the former SARS IT head was still on “discretionary leave” following the interview, with no indication of when she would return to her post.