Saratoga Software believes its investment in people and process over the last three years is beginning to pay off. Mark Gebhardt, Saratoga Software's technical director believes that while “process” is everything - it's our quality people that deliver against this. Our approach is continuously refined, with an emphasis on delivering systems faster and with more reliability. We are excited to announce we are currently implementing our first scrum software development project with our partner, Imagination Life.
Scrum is currently the leading agile project management framework and is being used by leading technology companies such as Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, MySpace, Adobe and GE. Carlo Kruger, a certified Scrum Master from Saratoga Software, says that these companies use Scrum with good reason. They have realised significant benefits such as increased productivity, fewer software defects, accelerated time-to-market and greatly reduced costs. Through the use of active stakeholder participation in setting priorities and short iterations of no more than four weeks in which to deliver working software, Scrum allows software to be “soft”.
Imagination Life's financial services engine, the Citadel, will deliver cost-effective financial solutions to individuals and organisations. By using Scrum, the Citadel has incrementally built up the products it supports, delivering value from early in its development process. “We are always looking for new ways to introduce innovation and improve our processes, the Scrum methodology advantages include customer involvement ,cross functional teams, strictly time-boxed iterations, optimised analysis and design, and producing workable software at the end of each iteration. “says Mark Gebhardt Saratoga's technical director.
Saratoga Software is one of Microsoft's top Gold Certified Partners and specialises in partnering with large corporations to provide them with a flexible, fast software development capability. Saratoga Software is a dynamic black-owned software development company, with associate offices in the USA and the UK.