
Review: Vera Wang on Weddings app

Johannesburg, 11 Jul 2012

For me, 2012 will go down in history as the year of the wedding. Thus far, I have been invited to five weddings and it seems 2013 will follow this trend, as I already have two weddings scheduled for next year. I will be a bridesmaid at one of these events, and in preparation, I thought it would be a good idea to brush up on what's happening on the wedding scene - enter Vera Wang's wedding app.

Gone are the days of the ring-binder file packed to capacity with pages ripped from magazines with dress or d'ecor ideas. This user-friendly app allows the bride-to-be to plan all the details and collect inspiration for her big day. As Wang notes in a video on the app, the reason for creating Vera Wang on Weddings was to share her own experiences with brides, because “every one of us is a beginner at getting married”.

Getting started

The first thing users are asked to do when they open the app is enter their wedding date; this is important, as it correlates with the tasks tab, which I will discuss later.

In summary:

Good: The variety, the glossaries, the articles, the images - Wang has covered everything.
Bad: The only way this could get better would be if Wang included products created by other designers, but then again, it is her app.
Rating: 8/10
Price: Free

From here, the home screen allows users to browse different “types” of brides to get a little inspiration, complete with videos of Wang herself explaining the style characteristics of each kind of bride.

Whether you're a traditionalist, modernist, romanticist or minimalist, you can browse through a variety of related cakes, dresses, flowers and stationery.

Handy Guides

For those who thought Miss Wang was just a dress designer - I know, that's what I thought - this app demonstrates that she is so much more. The Guides tab is particularly useful for those who are a little unsure of the wedding lingo. With articles, photos and glossaries, the guides really do cover all the bases.

For example, using the Dresses guide, users can browse through a number of Wang's dresses, with front and back images, as well as a sketch and a video of the dress on the runway. There are also articles within this guide, so brides can read up on the right time to buy the dress and how to get the perfect fit. Finally, those who are unsure about the different dress styles and patterns can consult the glossary, which details everything from waistlines to veils, complete with sketches.

There are also guides on flowers, cakes, planning and registries. Each is so comprehensive that one could easily spend hours reading up about categories of bouquets and what questions to ask the baker before ordering the cake. Should users see anything in any of these guides that they particularly like, they can add it to their personal “Favourites” board, e-mail it to their wedding planner or hit the “i” button in the top-right corner to find out a little more about the item and where to get it.


When users click on the Plan tab, a diary opens up with deadlines based on the wedding date entered. According to this task manager, my friend, who is planning a June 2013 wedding, should be trying on dresses and selecting a wedding theme (weddings have themes?) over the next couple of weeks. Brides can also put together a guest list and compile photographs and ideas in the Inspiration section. The app also links to Wang's blog, Vera Unveiled.

In a nutshell

“I would like a bride to take this app as a suggestion, as encouragement to find out who she really wants to be and how she wants to get married. And I hope that what I do, with everything I create, makes that job just a little more pleasurable and a little bit easier for the bride,” says Wang of her app.

In terms of functionality, I'd say this handy app covers everything. I challenge even the most difficult bride to not gain something from browsing through it.
