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Report: Breaking down exposure management silos: Confronting the network-security disconnect

Companies are actively striving for better collaboration between their network and security teams.
Companies are actively striving for better collaboration between their network and security teams.

The modern enterprise runs on a vast network of technologies, often operating invisibly in the background. Network teams face the daunting task of ensuring this intricate web functions seamlessly and is kept up to date. Working nearby, the security teams have an equally challenging role: maintaining robust security across all systems to keep their critical data and assets secure. These challenges have grown exponentially with the rise of public and private clouds, the proliferation of OT and IOT devices, the continued support of remote work and the lingering presence of legacy on-premises assets.

On top of this, security and network teams often report to different management chains with different budgets, goals and priorities. As cyber attacks escalate in frequency, sophistication and cost, this siloed nature between the groups creates critical blind spots for attackers to exploit.

To explore this pressing issue, Skybox Security partnered with Sapio Research to survey 500 security professionals and executives across North America and the UK. We wanted to learn more about the obstacles organisations face in harmonising security and networking teams and the impact this has on their overall cyber security posture.

The survey results show organisations actively striving for better collaboration between their network and security teams to bolster their defences against cyber threats. However, a deeper look into the confidence of these processes reveals a discrepancy between perceived effectiveness and actual outcomes.

As a result, many organisations are looking to implement an integrated approach and tools for vulnerability/network security management, such as continuous threat and exposure management (CTEM), to improve collaboration between network and security teams.

This report highlights key findings from the survey and provides insights into the challenges and opportunities for organisations seeking to bridge the gap between security and networking.

Please download the report below to read on.
