
Quocirca Print 2025

The future of print in the digital workplace – global market insight study.

Johannesburg, 21 Nov 2023
‘Less-paper’ office is more likely than the paperless office.
‘Less-paper’ office is more likely than the paperless office.

Executive summary

“With technology advancing at an unprecedented pace, the print industry is poised for profound change as we head towards 2025. The findings of this new study reveal that while the industry is optimistic about the future, it recognises that significant changes are needed across business structure, culture and innovation. And while many organisations expect print to remain key to many business activities, digitisation is also set to accelerate. The good news is that the majority of end-user organisations expect print to retain an important role in supporting their business through to 2025. Print simply is not going to disappear any time soon.”

End-user study highlights:

“The ‘less-paper’ office is more likely than the paperless office. Today, 78% say printing is important to their daily business, dropping to 64% that expect it will still be important in 2025."

“Security and cloud are seen as the key areas for investment between now and 2025. Security leads with 84% of organisations rating this as a top priority, followed by cloud computing (66%) and mobility (53%).”

“Digitisation initiatives are set to accelerate. Organisations expect document capture and workflow, collaboration tools and mobile working to reduce printing by 2025.”

Managed print services highlights:

“The foundation of any successful MPS engagement is a comprehensive assessment of the print infrastructure, which can help organisations better understand usage and opportunities for optimisation.”

“Managed print services (MPS) as an enabler for digital transformation. MPS is a proven approach for supporting digitisation efforts through the optimisation of paper and digital workflows. Leading vendors in this space have expertise in helping organisations to leverage MFP investments and implement document workflow integration tools.”

“Analytics is a key component of the effective strategic business reviews that MPS providers conduct to help their customers continue to drive cost and efficiency improvements."

“Xerox takes a holistic approach to analytics for its MPS engagements. This encompasses the following services: Device analytics, user analytics, document analytics, process analytics and service analytics. Each analytics service offers a different type of analysis – diagnostic, prescriptive, descriptive and predictive – building on previous levels to offer progressively more sophisticated insights.”

Read the Quocirca Print 2025 Study — Xerox Summary Report (PDF, 3.6 MB)

Source: Global Print 2025 Market Study by Louella Fernandes, Quocirca, March 2018.
