Cabinet has urged provinces and departments with low resolution rates under the Presidential Hotline to urgently improve their performance.
During the meeting this week, it said the Department of Performance, Monitoring and Evaluation will carry out an audit of government complaint systems and hotlines with the aim of ensuring improved coordination, and will report back to Cabinet.
From the inception of the Presidential Hotline to 31 January 2012, 683 371 calls reached call centre agents.
“To address the challenge of not being able to answer all the calls, an increased budget has been allocated to the Presidential Hotline to enable the number of call centre agents to be increased from 10 to 15 per shift,” said Cabinet.
The majority of calls are from citizens calling multiple times to enquire about progress with the 122 589 cases/queries that have been logged collectively as a result of this.
Cabinet noted the progress in the resolution rate of the hotline overall.
During the Gauteng provincial budget speech this week, finance MEC Mandla Nkomfe said in addition to other measures, a further R2 million in 2012/13 is allocated towards fighting corruption. “This amount will fund the Public Liaison Hotline, the rollout of anti-corruption communication campaigns, departmental workshops and ethics training.”
Last month, government said the National Anti-Corruption Hotline (NACH) has managed to recover R110 million since it was initiated more than seven years ago.
Since the inception of the NACH, 1 499 officials have been charged with misconduct for corrupt activities - 685 provincially and 814 nationally.
The Presidential Hotline reached an 80% resolution rate, making this a milestone in the history of the hotline since its establishment in September 2009. It receives calls from citizens, which include issues relating to employment/world of work, housing, law-related matters, social services, citizenship, electricity, education, health and basic services.