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Post-COVID cloud-integration-connectivity nexus

Considerations for expanding or migrating integrated business components to the cloud have come under renewed pressure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, integration specialists are in more demand than ever before. But they must bring another critical ingredient for success: collaboration between integration and telecommunication parties.

COVID-induced migration

Until recently, the motivations to adopt any part of the cloud were primarily competitive or in search of efficiencies. Necessity featured far less often. In many situations, companies delayed any cloud-related modernisation because of how it could affect stable and integrated business services and components, including mainframe services and legacy customisations.

Companies could take this position because most of their operations remained inside physical company locations. As we all know that scenario flipped completely since Q1 of 2020. 

Droves of employees relocated to remote workspaces - usually their homes - to keep the wheels turning as lockdowns and social distancing demanded big changes to how the world does business. These shifts required a wholesale reorientation of digital services. What resided inside the boundaries of the organisation's technology infrastructure had to be extended, replicated or migrated to cloud infrastructure that could offer secure and balanced access to those employees.

Integration on point

On the one hand, the market is ready for this. Professional integration services' efficiencies have grown, requiring less and less effort to implement high-availability environments and optimise performance, especially in the Kubernetes environments adapted by the major cloud providers. Collaboration between integration architects, developers and cloud specialists is particularly strong.

Yet, on the other hand, the combination is not complete. Migrating integrated processes into the cloud needs a strong symbiosis between integration delivery services and telecoms service providers. Otherwise, the complexities of supporting network infrastructure and the choice of cloud providers can leave a lot of on-premises capability behind.

This collaboration is an essential requirement for the post-COVID era, where companies need to find a balance between their new realities, distributed operations, emergency investments and business model challenges. Many organisations have begun taking stock of their choices, from the past several months as well as looking forward. It is a crucial window period during which companies should build and adapt their cloud migration roadmap.

The cloud-integration-connectivity nexus

Network infrastructure cloud design underpins the cloud migration roadmap, hence connectivity service providers and integration services must work together. mWtech operational consulting services has the knowledge and experience to map complex rehosting processes based on business service-level agreements. We collaborate with telecommunication partners such as Voimar to align the latest connectivity offerings - such as software-defined networking - with your business systems, service level expectations and cloud migration roadmap.

Voimar is a licensed ISP and network provider, focused on fast-tracking customer migration to the cloud. Voimar leverages software-defined networking interconnect platforms such as the telco- and enterprise-grade Console Connect, reducing engineering time and the complexities of network configuration through automated provisioning and routing.

mWtech has partnered with Voimar to help customers gain private access to all major public clouds including AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Huawei Cloud, IBM Cloud, Alibaba Cloud and Tencent.

"The collaboration between Voimar and mWtech combines the best in integration and telecommunications skills and services, from frontline needs such as video conferencing and unified communications to infrastructure extensions and migrations to the cloud," says Motsamai Mokhomo, Founder and CEO of Voimar.

Voimar's services include:

  • Business Internet
  • VoIP (hosted PBX)
  • Data centre services
  • Data backup and recovery
  • Cyber and data security
  • IoT platform and connectivity

mWtech's services include:

  • Integration platforms in hybrid clouds
  • Legacy functions as microservices
  • Operational consulting services
  • Custom solutions for infrastructure and applications
  • Business development and environment optimisation

"Voimar and mWtech's partnership builds real-life estimations of your to-be transactional models in hybrid-cloud environments. Through assessing the transactional statistics, our approach leverages integration capabilities such as caching and predictive analysis, together with the latest cloud hardware, to streamline cloud migrations and reach SLA-prescribed performance optimisations," says Leonard Solomyak, mWtech Founder and Solutions Engineer.

By improving infrastructure processes and addressing business requirements more efficiently, the nexus between integration professionals, connectivity providers and the cloud gives customers much more control over their extended environments. As you weigh your business's technology and cloud roadmap options, including the new choices for your integrated business components, don't neglect this important combination of expertise.
