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  • Paperless payslips: an easy and secure alternative

Paperless payslips: an easy and secure alternative

The payslip has always been a particularly sensitive document and so it makes sense for companies to switch to a digital system, says Gavin Dunlop, CEO of ACTNET.

Johannesburg, 29 Jan 2016

The movement away from paper in the workplace continues to gain momentum and has particular value for processes where sensitive information is being shared.

Payslips are the perfect example. The payslip has always been a particularly sensitive document and so it makes sense for companies to switch to a digital system, says Gavin Dunlop, CEO of ACTNET. In order for that to be a viable option the right tools are needed, and they do exist.

Picture the scenario that unfolds in offices around the world, month after month. One or more members of staff, usually from human resources or finance, have to take the time out of their day to hand deliver pieces of paper to every person in the company. Larger offices may have a more departmentalised process, but it still requires man-hours to physically hand out documents. Not all staff members may be present at the time and absent staff will receive their payslips late. Add to that the risk of the document being lost or landing up in the wrong hands. The information contained therein could be of interest not only to nosey colleagues, but also fraudsters.

A digital payslip system offering a high level of encryption eliminates that element of risk. Electronic document delivery (EDD) is a multi-faceted tool for an office in the digital age, allowing for the secure distribution of documents such as invoices, statements and contracts. Facilitating the instant delivery of encrypted, password protected digital payslips is one of numerous specialised functions offered.

EDD is intuitive, taking payroll data and converting it into an electronic format automatically, producing a perfect digital rendition of the document with a customisable appearance. Once distributed, the documents are then safely archived on the cloud where they can be easily located for future reference. It means safe and effortless record keeping from the employer's perspective with archives that take up no physical space.

It's difficult to put a price on privacy and security but time and energy saved is certainly quantifiable, making clear the financial benefits of EDD's electronic payslip system. It can lighten the burden, even if just by a small amount, for companies and for the environment too. It's all part of the trend towards a digitally orientated and more environmentally conscious workplace.


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