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Painting a comprehensive cyber security strategy: More than a single brush stroke

Tarryn Maarschalk, Head of Cloud and Security Solutions at Echo Service Provider (Echo)

Johannesburg, 16 Aug 2023
In the art world, even the most intricate pieces rely on a strong foundation.
In the art world, even the most intricate pieces rely on a strong foundation.

In this ever-evolving landscape of digital threats and vulnerabilities, crafting a robust cyber security strategy is akin to creating a masterpiece. Just as an artist employs various brushes, colours and techniques to bring a canvas to life, enterprises must navigate myriad tools, technologies and considerations to safeguard their digital assets.

The concept of a one-size-fits-all approach to cyber security is as unrealistic as attempting to paint an intricate portrait with a single brush stroke. Let’s delve into the complexities of tailoring cyber security solutions to specific requirements, the challenges posed by varying levels of technological maturity, and the paramount importance of nailing down the basics.

The complexity of matching solutions to requirements

If you consider a skilled artist in the midst of creating a unique and beautiful painting, you will appreciate that the vision of the artist and the time taken to get there will determine the success of the painting. Each artist may have its own unique technique and style, but much like selecting the different brushes for various aspects of a painting, enterprises must discern the appropriate cyber security solutions for their unique circumstances. Not all threats are created equal and a cookie-cutter approach to security can lead to glaring vulnerabilities. A comprehensive cyber security strategy involves identifying the specific threats that an enterprise faces and then meticulously selecting the appropriate tools and technologies to mitigate those risks.

This process, however, is never straightforward. The cyber security landscape is flooded with an array of products, each claiming to be the ultimate magic bullet – single pane, all-encompassing answer to cyber security. Evaluating these solutions requires a deep understanding of an enterprise's infrastructure, operations and potential vulnerabilities. Implementing the wrong solution can lead to wasted resources, increased complexity and a false sense of security.

Technological maturity and adoption challenges

Just as an apprentice artist may struggle to wield advanced techniques, some enterprises may not yet possess the maturity required to adopt cutting-edge cyber security technologies. Cyber security measures are most effective when they align with an enterprise's operational capacity and readiness. Jumping into advanced solutions without a solid foundation can lead to misconfigurations, oversights and an increased risk of cyber incidents.

Enterprises must assess their technological maturity and prioritise building a strong cyber security foundation before embracing more advanced tools. This may involve investing in employee training, establishing clear security policies and ensuring the basics are thoroughly covered.

Getting the basics right: A cornerstone of cyber security

In the art world, even the most intricate pieces rely on a strong foundation – the greatest ideas in the world will not transpire without learning the basic techniques of painting correctly. Similarly, a solid cyber security strategy hinges on getting the basics right. Often, it's the simplest oversights that lead to the most devastating breaches. Neglecting fundamental practices like regular software updates, robust password policies and employee awareness training can leave enterprises susceptible to common and preventable attacks.

Market trends and examples from SA

In the South African context, the cyber security landscape mirrors global trends. Enterprises across industries are grappling with an increasing number of cyber threats, ranging from ransomware attacks to data breaches. The need for tailored cyber security strategies is particularly pronounced due to the diversity of industries, their sizes, technological infrastructures and, quite critically, an enormous skills shortage, globally.

South Africa has seen its share of cyber security incidents stemming from inadequate protection of the basics. The Liberty Life data breach in 2018, for instance, exposed sensitive customer data due to a misconfigured server. This incident underscored the criticality of configuring systems properly and enforcing a strong security posture.

More recently, in 2021, Transnet, a state-owned port and rail company, suffered a cyber attack that disrupted operations. While the specifics of the breach were not fully disclosed, the incident highlighted the importance of robust incident response plans and business continuity strategies.


One would never consider comparing a cyber security strategy to something like art, but when you consider the precision of every brushstroke, I firmly believe the approach should be the same. A holistic cyber security strategy demands a tailored approach that addresses specific risks, technological maturity and foundational security practices. The evolving threat landscape necessitates continuous evaluation, adaptation and learning. By avoiding the pitfall of a one-size-fits-all mentality, enterprises can create a cyber security masterpiece that stands the test of time, protecting their digital assets and operations from the ever-present dangers of the digital world.
