
Oracle introduces enhancements to its human resource applications

Oracle HRMS Provides Easy Answers to Tough Business Questions

Johannesburg, 25 May 1998

Oracle Corporation has announced new enhancements to its Oracle Human Resource Management System (HRMS) applications suite, including Web- and workflow-based competency management, increased self-service functionality, and enhanced reporting and analysis capabilities. Available with Oracle Applications Release 11, the enhancements to Oracle HRMS will provide companies with end-to-end competency management, enabling human resource organisations to become more strategic and allowing management insight into critical workforce issues. End-to-End Competency Management Using the Oracle HRMS suite, HR professionals and line managers can now develop and deploy a workforce`s key knowledge, skills and abilities via comprehensive Web- and workflow-enabled competency assessments and training administration. These enable quick updates to targets, objectives, career plans and performance ratings, and also provides a cost/benefit analysis of training functions when compared to an organisation`s performance and business objectives. Self-Service Applications Empower Your Workforce Oracle HRMS streamlines and decentralizes HR processes, reducing administrative costs and enabling HR professionals to become more strategic. Features such as Line Manager Direct Access and Employee Direct Access give both managers and employees direct access to information they need to manage their own career. Using Oracle HRMS self-service Web applications, employees can register for internal job offerings, update resumes, sign up for training and participate in other career management functions, and managers can quickly assess and manage employee skills to an organisation`s competitive advantage. Fast Answers to Critical Business Questions Enhancements to Oracle HRMS also provide companies with the tools they need to report on and analyse critical business trends, which gives HR professionals, executives and managers the ability to make better and more timely decisions, and gain key insights that they can use in the development and implementation of their organisation`s HR management strategies. With Oracle HRMS, HR departments can quickly access basic corporate information, identify specific workforce challenges, and determine future issues by surveying and analysing workplace trends. "With Oracle HRMS, HR professionals and line managers have the information-driven applications they need to make better decisions and continuously improve business processes," said Peter Forsythe, Applications Manager at Oracle South Africa. "This constant access to accurate information makes Human Resources a strategic partner in developing a company`s future."


Editorial contacts

Jeanette Saule
Pinnacle Communications
(011) 482-3579
Oracle SA