
Open Source: free or not?

Cape Town, 03 Sep 2015

Although not all open-source software models are equal ... in essence any client can download and use it for free - or not?

Since various business models for open source exist, one needs to be aware of what you are getting into. FREE can be misleading and unless you really know what you are doing, open source almost always has a cost component as well. People, servers, skills and support are needed, but by using a well-respected and knowledgeable partner, it will still be financially beneficial in the long run.

OPENCOLLAB specialises in transparent software solutions (including open source) by collaboratively engaging in projects with its clients. With more than nine years' experience in this field, it does customisations, development, implementations and the support for several open-source products implemented at post-secondary institutions worldwide. Many customers want all the advantages and long-time benefits of implementing open source solutions, but do not have the skills, resources or infrastructure to do it themselves.

Open source usually has no seat licence costs (read the fine print though) and are generally not restricted from being modified. Products such as Kuali Financial Systems have been localised for South African tax and other laws and can now be distributed to or shared among like-minded institutions at a much lesser cost than having to implement it from scratch.


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