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Obsidian offers Cloudera certified training to prepare developers for big data era

Johannesburg, 23 May 2012

South African organisations grappling with the flood of big data can now deal with data confidently, with the introduction of Cloudera certified training by Obsidian, the specialist open source solutions and training provider.

Cloudera, the leader in Apache Hadoop-based software, services and training, enables enterprises to easily derive business value from all their data. Bookings for the first four-day Cloudera Certified Developer for Apache Hadoop (CCDH) course, scheduled for June this year, are now open.

Obsidian is recognised as one of the country's premier training providers in the open source arena, and is certified by big names such as Red Hat and Zimbra. The company has also provided software and consulting services across the entire spectrum of enterprise-grade open source solutions for more than 15 years.

"Obsidian encompasses the traits we look for in a training delivery partner; complementary technologies, strong reputation in the region, and talented instructors with a broad spectrum of expertise and experience,” said Sarah Sproehnle, director, educational services at Cloudera. “Cloudera's training adds another exciting open source project to Obsidian's portfolio of training courses, and gives their customers access to the world's most comprehensive Apache Hadoop training.

“A growing number of organisations are not only realising the value of big data, but also the complexity of analysing it effectively,” says Muggie van Staden, Obsidian MD. “Cloudera was therefore developed to provide the tools that today's IT professionals need to more easily extract that value. As the official training partner in South Africa, we're proud to be able to offer the first Cloudera developer training that will allow organisations to prepare for this data flood.”

The Cloudera courses will provide developers with the skills needed to write, maintain and optimise Apache Hadoop development projects. Hadoop has grown in popularity over the past few years for the ability to process large data sets, even if this data is stored in clusters of computers comprising a few or thousands of machines.

“We've already seen considerable interest in Cloudera's training programs from local organisations preparing to get a grip on the influx of unstructured data. While Hadoop allows them to more easily process the information, there is still the challenge of integrating it efficiently, and Cloudera has emerged as a popular solution to do that,” says Van Staden.

Obsidian will be introducing additional Cloudera administrator and advanced training courses within the year, as it scales up to offer the highest level of certification available.



Obsidian, provider of enterprise open source in southern Africa, offers open source and related technology services, including training, consulting, products and solutions. Since starting in 1995, Obsidian has grown to become the premier OSS solutions provider.

Twitter: @ obsidianza


Cloudera, the leader in Apache Hadoop-based software and services, enables data-driven enterprises to easily derive business value from all their structured and unstructured data. Cloudera's Distribution, including Apache Hadoop (CDH), available to download for free at, is the most comprehensive, tested, stable and widely deployed distribution of Hadoop in commercial and non-commercial environments. For the fastest path to reliably using this completely open source technology in production for big data analytics and answering previously un-addressable big questions, organisations can subscribe to Cloudera Enterprise, comprising Cloudera Manager software and Cloudera Support. Cloudera also offers training and certification on Apache technologies, as well as consulting services. As the top contributor to the Apache open source community and with tens of thousands of nodes under management across customers in financial services, government, telecommunications, media, Web, advertising, retail, energy, bioinformatics, pharma/healthcare, university research, oil and gas and gaming, Cloudera's depth of experience and commitment to sharing expertise is unrivalled.

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Ian Rodney
Cerebra Communication for Obsidian
(+27) 11 465 5709