Linux solutions provider Obsidian Systems has secured the local distribution rights to the Ximian desktop suite. Ximian is an intuitive and comprehensive user interface for the open source Linux operating system.
Muggie van Staaden, MD of Obsidian Systems, says the distribution deal is very exciting for the company as it is now able to take its corporate offering to a new level. "Ximian is not only a powerful and extensive desktop environment for end-users but also includes an array of management features that simplify the deployment of software across an entire organisation."
Van Staaden says that because Ximian is compatible with all major Linux distributions it offers corporate users maximum flexibility in their choice of platform. "For corporate clients we believe Ximian is the best possible solution. Not only does it support multiple environments but it also includes the StarOffice suite."
Ximian includes the Red Carpet package manager, which allows administration staff to deploy and manage installed applications across the entire network. Pieter Nel, integration specialist at Obsidian Systems, says Ximian is a great selling point for Linux migration in the corporate sector because it provides all the functionality users are accustomed to, as well as providing them with a stable working environment.
"Ximian very definitely takes the Linux desktop to a new level and for clients that want both the manageability offered by Red Carpet and the compatibility of StarOffice, Ximian is the best choice.
"Ximian is filling a very real gap in the market for a workable Linux desktop," says Van Staaden. "What makes Ximian so strong is the fact that its sole focus is on the corporate desktop and the management of those desktops."
The Ximian distributorship fits in with Obsidian`s drive into the corporate sector where it has identified a growing need for Linux desktop solutions and with the imminent release of Ximian 2, Obsidian is confident that it is now able to offer the best possible solutions to its clients.