
Obituary: Dr Khomotso Kganyago

Jon Tullett
By Jon Tullett, Editor: News analysis
Johannesburg, 09 Jan 2014
Dr Khomotso Kganyago was chief security advisor at Microsoft SA.
Dr Khomotso Kganyago was chief security advisor at Microsoft SA.

Dr Khomotso Kganyago, chief security advisor at Microsoft SA and founding member of SA's National Cyber Security Advisory Council, has died.

Mteto Nyati, MD at Microsoft SA, announced "the unexpected passing of Dr Khomotso Kganyago on the morning of 31 December, after a sudden deterioration in a condition diagnosed a few months ago".

Kganyago worked at Microsoft for three years, leading security engagements with corporate and public sector organisations. Prior to that, he held senior positions at the CSIR and Stats SA, after earning his PhD in solid state physics, from the University of Limpopo.

Among his most recent contributions to South African information security was his appointment as a founder member of the National Cyber Security Advisory Council (NCAC), set up by communications minister Yunus Carrim last September. The NCAC is intended to bridge government and the private sector to promote awareness of security issues.

"The NCAC is saddened by the loss of Dr Khomotso Kganyago, who was just recently appointed to the NCAC," said Dr Barend Taute, chairman of the NCAC. "His intended role was to bring crucial industry and technical perspectives to the deliberations of the NCAC, supporting government's mandate to build confidence and trust in the secure use of ICTs in close co-operation with the private sector and civil society."

Kganyago was also a regular commentator at ITWeb and has spoken at our Security Summit events.

"This is truly a loss to all who knew and loved him," Nyati said.

ITWeb's thoughts are with his family and colleagues.
