The IITPSA President’s Awards will go ahead this year, despite restrictions on gatherings and face to face engagements.
According to the Institute of Information Technology Professionals South Africa (IITPSA), online nominations for the prestigious annual accolade are open till 20 October and the judging will be done via virtual meetings. The award ceremony will go ahead in the first quarter of 2021, circumstances permitting.
“The COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown have illustrated how crucial ICT is to the functioning of all organisations, but enabling business as usual in this challenging time has put heavy pressure on ICT professionals,” says Tony Parry, IITPSA’s CEO. “This year’s awards are therefore to be held with the theme ‘Excellence in Adversity’, and will celebrate those who enabled their organisations to survive and grow despite particularly challenging circumstances.”
The IITPSA President’s awards have recognised the South African IT industry’s leading lights for over 40 years. Past winners include the likes of Geekulcha COO Tiyani Nghonyama as the IT Personality of the Year and Alexander Forbes Group CIO Sandra La Bella as the Visionary CIO (2019), Etion CEO Teddy Daka and Absa CIO for Virtual Channels Jacques Barkhuizen (2018), Entelect CEO Shashi Hansjee and former Sasol Global CIO Alec Joannou (2017) and Adapt IT CEO Sbu Shabalala and Peter Alkema, business banking CIO at First National Bank (2016).
IITPSA has called for nominations for the following awards:
The IT Personality Award recognises a highly respected and outstanding ICT professional who has made a significant technical or academic contribution to the industry. The Award also recognises the personality who has been most successful in building a highly-respected IT organisation or business, and/or who has made a major contribution to the IT profession over a number of years.
The Visionary CIO Award honours a CIO who has demonstrated visionary leadership in using IT to support, grow and transform business and/or who has established best practice in implementing technology solutions in an organisation.
The Technology Excellence Award will be presented to a person or team who has made exceptional or innovative use of technology for an organisation and/or who has exhibited technological excellence that has delivered measurable benefit for business/the SA Economy.
The Social Responsibility/Community Award will be presented to a person, team or project that delivers the benefits of IT on a not-for-profit basis into the community or brings the community into the IT space.
To submit your nominations by 20 October, and for further information, visit: https://www.iitpsa.org.za/annual-presidents-awards-2020/.