
No big names in Magix empowerment deal

Nicola Mawson
By Nicola Mawson, Contributor.
Johannesburg, 09 Mar 2007

Enterprise risk management solutions provider Magix Integration says it has achieved empowerment status without selling off equity.

The company, which employees about 45 staff, achieved level two broad-based black economic empowerment (BBBEE) status. It says it took a strategic decision not to partner with any other black-empowered organisation, but focussed on achieving the empowerment requirements itself.

Director Amir Lubashevsky says the company has achieved a score of between 85% and 100% through progressive management practices. "The employment, procurement and partner policies Magix implemented gave the company a high BBBEE score, while also positively impacting a host of black-owned and empowered businesses."

Skills transfer

The company seeks out black-owned or empowered resellers and systems integrators, as well as ensuring the employees of these companies are trained in efficient sales and business techniques. In addition, partners' engineers are trained to effectively support their customers.

"We additionally offer coaching and mentoring on a personal basis where required," adds Lubashevsky. "Our partners can send key staff to Magix, where they work on a full-time basis as they learn the ins and outs of their jobs, before returning to their organisations to add value and impart their knowledge to others."

Magix says it only sources goods and services from black-owned small and medium enterprises (SMEs), as far as possible. Alternatively, it seeks out black-empowered firms to provide the day-to-day services and supplies needed.

"By supporting black SMEs, Magix is creating an environment in which these companies are able to create more jobs and further the original goals of empowerment," adds Lubashevsky.

Magix has also implemented a preferential hiring programme through which the company has employed previously-disadvantaged individuals, specifically focusing on female job seekers. At the same time, it also extended its internal training programmes for these new employees.
