
New time schedule risk policy in WatchGuard Cloud

Earlier this year we launched the AuthPoint Risk Framework, a powerful and flexible way to manage authentication policies. We have added a new policy object that will allow you to define secure access based on users’ daily workflows.

Embrace AuthPoint’s Risk Framework with time-based authentication to show your customers advanced ways to secure users, platforms and data, no matter their business model:

  • Improve user security in your organisation;
  • Restrict authentication during specific times, like non-working hours or holidays;
  • Customise authentication settings;
  • You can choose between push, password, QR code, OTP;
  • Enforce different authentication requirements at different times; and
  • If you’ve also enabled network location policy object, you can allow users to bypass MFA when they authenticate from the office, but only during specified times, such as work hours.

Developing new risk policies

Now you can implement risk-based authentication with two different objects: network location and time schedule. Our team continues to work on adding more policies and our goal is to add geofencing, geo-kinetics and more.

Watch the video to learn more about time-based authentication.

For more information visit
